J-GLOBAL ID:200901042657243500
Update date: Jul. 26, 2024 Ezoe Sachiko
エゾエ サチコ | Ezoe Sachiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Specially Appointed Professor
Research field (1):
Hematology and oncology
Research keywords (2):
, hematology and oncology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2021 - 2024 The empirical evaluation of hygienic management in the manufacturing facilities of regenerative medicine
- 2020 - 2023 間葉系幹細胞の臨床応用へ向けた品質管理と評価マーカーの探索
- 2016 - 2019 The impact of iron overload on immune function
- 2013 - 2016 The analysis of bone marrow microenvironment in myelodysplastic syndrome using patient-derived iPS cells
- 2010 - 2012 Analysis of in vivo effects of possible immune regulatory moleculesfor artificial management of immune systems
- 2009 - 2011 Energy metabolism in the growth and differentiation of hematopoietic stem/ progentor cells
- 2006 - 2007 The function of Sir2 in proliferation and aging of hematopoietic cells
- 造血系における細胞内情報伝達
- Signal transduction in hematopoietic system
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Papers (67): -
Ryoma Okawa, Koushirou Sogawa, Kenji Yachiku, Motoko Shiozaki, Takanori Miura, Hiroshi Takayanagi, Takashi Shibata, Sachiko Ezoe. The effects of continuous exposure to low-dose chlorine dioxide gas on the characteristics of induced pluripotent stem cells. Regenerative Therapy. 2022. 21. 250-257
Yuri Hamanaka, Akira Tanimura, Takafumi Yokota, Sachiko Ezoe, Michiko Ichii, Yasuhiro Nagate, Kenji Oritani, Yuzuru Kanakura, Naoki Hosen, Hirohiko Shibayama. Impaired B cell terminal differentiation in B cell-specific knockout mice of cell death-defying factor anamorsin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2022. 603. 1-6
Kenichi Furihata, Izumi Hamada, Takuro Niwa, Tatsuya Watanabe, Sachiko Ezoe. Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of NPC-21, an Anti-Cytomegalovirus Monoclonal Antibody, in Healthy Japanese and White Adult Men: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, First-in-Human Phase 1 Study. Clinical pharmacology in drug development. 2022
Sachiko Ezoe, Nirianne Marie Q. Palacpac, Kohhei Tetsutani, Kouji Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Okada, Masaki Taira, Sumiyuki Nishida, Haruhiko Hirata, Atsushi Ogata, Tomomi Yamada, et al. First-in-human randomised trial and follow-up study of Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage malaria vaccine BK-SE36 with CpG-ODN(K3). Vaccine. 2020. 38. 46. 7246-7257
- Koushirou Sogawa, Ryoma Okawa, Kenji Yachiku, Motoko Shiozaki, Takanori Miura, Hiroshi Takayanagi, Takashi Shibata, Sachiko Ezoe. Effects of continuous exposure to low concentration of ClO2 gas on the growth, viability, and maintenance of undifferentiated MSCs in long-term cultures. Regenerative therapy. 2020. 14. 184-190
more... MISC (114): -
茂田誠, 樋口皇太郎, 高橋香菜, 辻本和子, 中村浩章, 池田卓司, 水谷学, 紀ノ岡正博, 江副幸子. 取り扱い細胞への環境からの汚染影響スクリーニング方法の提案~過酢酸製剤を用いたBSC除染への実施例~. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2024. 23rd
高橋香菜, 辻本和子, 茂田誠, 山中貴裕, 池田卓司, 中村浩章, 水谷学, 紀ノ岡正博, 江副幸子. 除染後の環境が細胞増殖に及ぼす影響~過酢酸製剤Ver.3~. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2024. 23rd
辻本和子, 高橋香菜, 茂田誠, 山中貴裕, 池田卓司, 中村浩章, 水谷学, 紀ノ岡正博, 江副幸子. 過酢酸製剤によるBSC除染後の環境が培養細胞に及ぼす影響. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2024. 23rd
高橋香菜, 辻本和子, 茂田誠, 山中貴裕, 佐野義哉, 池田卓司, 中村浩章, 筒井正造, 小川祐樹, 水谷学, et al. 除染後の環境が細胞増殖に及ぼす影響~過酢酸製剤 Ver.2~. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2023. 22nd
高橋香菜, 千原莉里, 中村浩章, 筒井正造, 小川祐樹, 水谷学, 紀ノ岡正博, 江副幸子. 除染後の環境が細胞増殖に及ぼす影響~過酢酸製剤Ver.~. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2022. 21st
more... Books (5): - 再生医療~創る、行う、支える~
日本再生委医療学会 2019 ISBN:9784991059100
- 細胞培養加工施設の構築と運営管理の省力・省コスト化
技術情報協会 2018 ISBN:9784861047275
- バイオロジカルクリーンルームの設計・維持管理と作業員教育
情報技術協会 2018 ISBN:9784861046957
- 再生医療のための細胞製造ハンドブック 第10章 再生医療認定医制度および臨床培養士制度における教育訓練システムの構築
シーエムシー出版 2015 ISBN:9784781310930
- カラーテキスト血液病学第2版 再生医療の現状と血液疾患への応用
中外医学社 2013 ISBN:9784498125391
Education (5): - - 2003 Osaka University
- - 1996 Osaka University Faculty of Medicine
- - 1996 Osaka University Faculty of Medicine
- - 1954 Kyoto University Faculty of Education
- Osaka University
Professional career (2): - Phylosopiae Doctor (Osaka University)
- Medical Doctor (Osaka University)
Work history (1): - 2003 - -: - 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 非常勤研究員
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本癌学会
, 日本血液学会
, 造血細胞移植学会
, 輸血細胞治療学会
, 日本再生医療学会
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