Kenji Maruo, Naoki Yamada. Existence of non-radially symmetric viscosity solutions to semilinear degenerate elliptic equations with radially symmetric coefficients in the plane, Part II. Differential Equations & Applications. 2010. 2. 3. 377-408
N. Yamada. An idea of the proof ofthe comparison principle of viscosity solutions for doubly nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi equatons. Proceedings of Seminar on Partial Differential Equations in Osaka 2012. 2013
Books (5):
学術図書出版社 2007 ISBN:9784873618487
2007 ISBN:9784780600742
Viscosity solutions for integro-differential equations of Voltenrra type
Nonlinear Analysis and Applications Gakko Tosho 1996
Some results on the viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear equations containing non-local terms(共著)
Proceeding of the First Congress of Nonlinear Analisis. 1996
Viscosity solutions for integro-differential equations of Volterra type.
Nonlinear analysis and applications, GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. , 7, Gakk(]J1155[)tosho, Tokyo 1994
Education (2):
- 1974 Kobe University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 数学
- 1972 Osaka University Faculty of Science 数学
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
International Federation of Nonlinear Analysis
, American Mathemadical Sodiety
, 日本数学会