J-GLOBAL ID:200901042960344530   Update date: Sep. 20, 2024

Miyazaki Yasushi

ミヤザキ ヤスシ | Miyazaki Yasushi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Hematology and oncology
Research keywords  (4): 放射線影響 ,  血液内科学 ,  Radiation hematology ,  Hematology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (26):
  • 2019 - 2024 Clinical application of germline and somatic mutations in bone marrow failure syndromes.
  • 2020 - 2023 t(8;21)およびinv(16)陽性AYA・若年成人急性骨髄性白血病に対する微小残存病変を指標とするゲムツズマブ・オゾガマイシン治療介入の有効性と安全性を評価する研究
  • 2020 - 2023 Study for the mechanism of onset for myelodysplastic syndromes among atomic bomb survivors through temporal axis
  • 2017 - 2020 原爆被爆者の腫瘍性/非腫瘍性造血に見られるゲノム異常の包括的解析
  • 2016 - 2019 Epidemiological and molecular biological study of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms
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Papers (475):
  • Yuji Kobayashi, Koji Ando, Yoshitaka Imaizumi, Hikaru Sakamoto, Hideaki Kitanosono, Masataka Taguchi, Hiroyuki Mishima, Akira Kinoshita, Shara Bekytbek, Maki Baba, et al. RUNX1 expression is regulated by a super-enhancer and is a therapeutic target in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2024. 1-13
  • Itaru Matsumura, Shigeki Ohtake, Yoshiko Atsuta, Mio Kurata, Yosuke Minami, Naoto Takahashi, Chiaki Nakaseko, Noriyoshi Iriyama, Katsumichi Fujimaki, Kazuhiko Kakihana, et al. Nilotinib vs. Dasatinib in Achieving MR4.5 for de novo Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: the Randomized JALSG CML212 Study. Blood advances. 2024
  • Hidehiro Itonaga, Yasushi Miyazaki, Machiko Fujioka, Jun Aoki, Noriko Doki, Tetsuya Nishida, Takahiro Fukuda, Naoyuki Uchida, Yasunori Ueda, Yasufumi Uehara, et al. Prognostic impact of the conditioning intensity on outcomes after allogeneic transplantation for MDS with low blasts: a nationwide retrospective study by the adult MDS working group of the Japan Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. Bone marrow transplantation. 2024
  • Satoshi Nishiwaki, Isamu Sugiura, Shin Fujisawa, Yoshihiro Hatta, Yoshiko Atsuta, Noriko Doki, Shingo Kurahashi, Yasunori Ueda, Nobuaki Dobashi, Tomoya Maeda, et al. Utility of allogeneic stem cell transplantation for adult Ph+ALL with complete molecular remission. American journal of hematology. 2024. 99. 5. 806-815
  • Gail J Roboz, Guillermo Sanz, Elizabeth A Griffiths, Karen Yee, Hagop Kantarjian, Christian Récher, Michael T Byrne, Elżbieta Patkowska, Hee-Je Kim, Xavier Thomas, et al. Guadecitabine vs TC in relapsed/refractory AML after intensive chemotherapy: a randomized phase 3 ASTRAL-2 trial. Blood advances. 2024. 8. 8. 2020-2029
MISC (369):
  • 上原裕規, 増田真吾, 増田真吾, 福井翔一, 渡邉裕史郎, 小笹宗一郎, 赤羽目翔悟, 山梨啓友, 岩本直樹, 坂本光, et al. サーモンピンク疹を伴い,成人still病との鑑別を要した血管内リンパ腫の一例. 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌(Web). 2023. 19
  • June Takeda, Kenichi Yoshida, Masahiro M. Nakagawa, Yasuhito Nannya, Akinori Yoda, Ryunosuke Saiki, Yotaro Ochi, Lanying Zhao, Rurika Okuda, Xingxing Qi, et al. Amplified EPOR/JAK2 genes definea unique subtype of acute erythroid leukemia. CANCER RESEARCH. 2022. 82. 12
  • Shinobu Tsuzuki, Takahiko Yasuda, Masahito Kawazu, Toshihide Ueno, Sivasundaram Karnan, Akinobu Ota, Masashi Sanada, Hirokazu Nagai, Akihiro Tomita, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, et al. Targeting MEF2D-fusion Oncogenic Transcriptional Circuitries in B-cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. CANCER SCIENCE. 2022. 113. 1236-1236
  • 中崎 久美, 竹崎 俊晶, 正本 庸介, 宮崎 泰司, 三谷 絹子, 黒川 峰夫. 低リスク骨髄異形成症候群の治療選択と予後 全国多施設共同研究. 日本内科学会雑誌. 2022. 111. Suppl. 183-183
  • 糸永英弘, 木田理子, 土岐典子, 内田直之, 小澤幸泰, 福田隆浩, 上田恭典, 片山雄太, 諫田淳也, 一戸辰夫, et al. Outcomes of allo-HSCT for therapy-related MDS compared to de novo MDS by propensity-score matching. 日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会総会プログラム・抄録集. 2022. 44th
Books (15):
  • 別冊日本臨床 血液症候群(第3版)
    株式会社日本臨床社 2024
  • 血液専門医テキスト = Textbook of Hematology
    南江堂 2023 ISBN:9784524203710
  • 造血器腫瘍診療ガイドライン
    金原出版 2023 ISBN:9784307102247
  • 未来型血液治療学
    中外医学社 2019 ISBN:9784498225183
  • 血液専門医テキスト
    南江堂 2019 ISBN:9784524248827
Lectures and oral presentations  (53):
  • Clonal Evolution of Der(1;7)(q10;p10) Myeloid Neoplasms.
    (65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition 2023)
  • Data-Driven Harmonization of 2022 Who and ICC Classifications of Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS): A Study By the International Consortium for MDS (icMDS).
    (65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition 2023)
  • Molecular Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) Clearance (≤1%) Is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (HR-MDS): An Exploratory Analysis of Stimulus-MDS1 in Patients Receiving Sabatolimab or Placebo + Hypomethylating Agent (HMA)
    (65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition 2023)
  • Phase 1/2 First-in-Human Study of the Menin-MLL Inhibitor DSP-5336 in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Leukemia
    (65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition 2023)
  • Long-term effects of radiation on hematopoiesis among Atomic Bomb survivors.
    (International Charles Heidelberger Symposium on Cancer Research, 2023 2023)
Works (8):
  • HIV・HCV重複感染血友病患者の長期療養に関する患者参加型研究
    2010 - 2014
  • DNAチップによる急性白血病の新規分類法提案
    2010 - 2013
  • 白血病予後を司るNPM1とETS遺伝子MEFとの相互作用の解明
    2010 - 2013
  • HIV関連リポディストロフィーへの脂肪由来幹細胞移植時における凝固能管理と臨床経過検討
    2009 - 2011
  • 成人白血病の難治機構の分子レベルでの解明とそれに基づく分子標的治療の開発に関する研究
    2009 - 2011
Education (2):
  • - 1986 Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • - 1986 Nagasaki University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
  • PhD. (Nagasaki University)
Work history (5):
  • 2013/04 - 現在 Nagasaki University
  • 2017/04 - 2023/03 Nagasaki University
  • 2011/10 - 2017/03 Nagasaki University Hospital
  • 2009/09 - 2013/03 Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
  • 2004/01 - 2009/08 Nagasaki University Hospital
Committee career (15):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 日本内科学会 理事
  • 2016/09 - 現在 日本血液学会 教育委員長
  • 2010 - 現在 日本血液学会 理事
  • 2008 - 現在 骨髄移植推進財団 ドナー安全委員(2007)
  • 2010 - 長崎原子爆弾被爆者対策協議会 理事(2009)
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Association Membership(s) (18):
日本輸血・細胞治療学会 ,  日本検査血液学会 ,  日本癌治療学会 ,  日本臨床腫瘍学会 ,  日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会 ,  アメリカ血液学会 ,  日本癌学会 ,  日本血液学会 ,  日本内科学会 ,  The Japanese Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy ,  Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology ,  Japanese Society of Clinical Oncology ,  Japanese Society of Medical Oncology ,  Japanese Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation ,  American Society of Hematology ,  Japanese Cancer Association ,  Japanese Society of Hematology ,  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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