J-GLOBAL ID:200901043638143223
Update date: Jan. 20, 2009 Yamada Yukitoshi
ヤマダ ユキトシ | Yamada Yukitoshi
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Theoretical economics
, Science education
Research keywords (8):
, 公正
, 分配
, 成長
, Economic Education
, Fairness
, Distribution
, Growth
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 1995 - 2010 経済教育
- 1995 - 2010 Economic Education
- 1989 - 2010 経済成長と分配の理論に関する研究
- 1989 - 2010 Study on The Theory of Economic Growth and Distribution
MISC (6): -
標準体系と分水嶺産業. 桜美林大学産業研究所年報. 1991. 9
The Standard System and the Watershed Industry. Annual Bulletin of The Institute for Industrial Research of Obirin University. 1991. 9
技術革新と市場構造. 大学院研究年報(中央大学). 1982. 11
企業成長と成長・分配理論に関する-考察. 中央大学経済研究所年報. 1982. 12
Technological Innovation and Market Structure. Bulletin of Graduate Studies. 1982. 11
more... Books (13): - 経済学入門(共著)
学文社 2000
- Introduction to Economics
- 続・生活経済Q&A(共著)
消費者教育支援センター 1999
- Consumer Economic Understanding of High School Students in Japan
National Institute on Consumer Education 1999
- ケンブリッジ定理と財政赤字
経済学の諸相 1998
more... Works (2): -
2000 -
The Comparative study of economic education policies in Japan and U.S.A in the 21st century
2000 -
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (Waseda University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 経済政策学会
, 経済学史学会
, 日本経済学会
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