J-GLOBAL ID:200901044257226498
Update date: Mar. 08, 2025 Mizutani Fumitoshi
ミズタニ フミトシ | Mizutani Fumitoshi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Research field (2):
Economic policy
, Business administration
Research keywords (5):
Applied Economics
, Management
, Public Utility Economics
, Regulatory Economics
, Transportation Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (20): - 2021 - 2026 A Study of Institutional Reforms and Performance in the Railway Industry
- 2017 - 2023 構造分離政策が市場に与える影響の計量分析
- 2019 - 2022 Studies on Sustainable Transport: Focusing on the Regulatory Framework and the Role of Private Sector
- 2017 - 2021 公益企業における組織とガバナンス構造に関する計量分析
- 2016 - 2019 持続可能な交通に関する実証的研究:制度設計を中心に
- 2015 - 2018 Research on organizational structure of public utilities and determinants of efficiency from transaction-cost perspective
- 2014 - 2017 アンバンドリングの費用と需要に与える影響の計量経済分析
- 2012 - 2015 Analysis of system for network infrastructure and structural separation
- 2012 - 2015 持続可能な社会構築のための交通に関する政策分析
- 2009 - 2011 Measuring the effect of deregulation to the regional inequalities
- 2011 - 規制の決定要因と規制とパフォーマンスの関係に関する実証研究
- 2009 - 持続可能な交通体系に関する基礎的研究:評価指標についての実証的検討
- 2007 - 公益事業における構造分離アプローチに関する計量分析
- 2006 - 先端ビジネスシステムの研究開発教育拠点
- 2005 - 特殊法人及び公社の民営化に関する経済分析
- 2005 - 先端ビジネスシステムの研究開発教育拠点
- 2001 - 2003 Private Provision in the Public Network Industries : Deregulation and Privatization
- 2000 - 2002 Empirical Studies on Cost Structure, Regulation and Privatization in Public Utility Industries
- 1999 - 2000 An Economic Analysis of Deregulation, Privatization and Vertical Separation
- 1995 - 1996 Quantitative Study on Privatization in Railway Idustry
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Papers (95): -
Fumitoshi MIZUTANI, Tomoyasu TANAKA, Noriyoshi NAKAYAMA. Economies of Scale and Scope, Merger Effects, and Ownership Difference: An Empirical Analysis of Universities in Japan. Education Economics. 2024. 32. 6. 882-905
水谷文俊. 交通時評:鉄道事業の上下分離と費用の関係. JR経営情報. 2024. 495. 3-5
Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Empirical Analysis of the Factors Behind Rail Infrastructure Investment. Transport Policy. 2024. 150. 244-254
Eri NAKAMURA, Kimitaka NISHITANI, Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Do Consumers Really Pay for SDGs? Re-Evaluating Consumer Behaviour Using Surveys in the USA, Germany, and Japan. CESifo Economic Studies. 2023. 69. 3. 158-176
Eri NAKAMURA, Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Organisational Governance Reducing Total Costs in Railway Business: Implications from Japanese Vertically Integrated Private Companies. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 2023. 57. 3. 177-198
more... MISC (43): -
水谷文俊. 序. 『鉄道沿線の健康まちづくりについての研究』、(都市交通研究所). 2024. 研究シリーズNo.58
加藤一誠, 水谷文俊, 野村宗訓, 中村彰宏, 田邉勝巳. 「学会の活性化に向けて」. 公益事業研究. 2024. 76. 1. 23-35
水谷文俊. 序. 『第11回海外交通事情視察・調査』、(都市交通研究所). 2024. 研究シリーズNo.57
水谷文俊, 爲近英恵, 田中政旭, 安達晃史, 竹本七海, 原田峻平. 『公益事業の再構築』の紹介. 公益事業研究. 2023. 75. 1. 59-64
水谷文俊. ネットワーク産業の研究のために. 経営学の歩き方. 2023. 2023年版. 97-100
more... Books (4): - Current Issues in Public Utilities and Public Policy: Empirical Studies Focusing on Japan
Springer 2023
- 公益事業の変容
関西学院大学出版会 2020
- Regulatory Reform of Public Utilities: The Japanese Experience
Edward Elgar 2012
- Japanese Urban Railways: A Private-Public Comparison
Avebury 1994
Lectures and oral presentations (30): -
The Regional Passenger Rail Fare System and Its Characteristics in Japan
(The 63rd ERSA Congress 2024)
Regulation, Competition, and Cooperation in the Japanese Rail Industry
(Networks, Platforms and Utilities Conference 2024)
Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Rail Infrastructure Investment
(World Conference on Transport Research 2023 2023)
Rail Infrastructure Investment and the Effects of Regulatory Change
(The 61st ERSA Congress 2022)
(規制と競争研究会 2022)
more... Education (3): - - 1993 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
- - 1983 Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering
- - 1981 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (Harvard University)
Committee career (3): - 2023/07 - 現在 Research Institute of Urban Transport, Kansai Railway Association Director
- 2021/06 - 現在 The Japan Society of Public Utility Economics President
- 2021/10 - 2023/10 The Japan Society of transportation Economics President
Awards (3): - 1998/07 - World Conference on Transport Research Society Public Transport Prize An Assessment of the JR Companies Since Privatization: Performance, Local Rail Service and Debts
- 1996/11 - 日本交通学会 Japanese Transport Economic Society Prize Japanese Urban Railways: A Private-Public Comparison
- 1995/06 - 公益事業学会 Public Utility Economics Society Prize Japanese Urban Railways: A Private-Public Comparison
Association Membership(s) (5):
American Economic Association
, World Conference on Transport Research Society
, Regional Science Association International
, 日本交通学会
, 公益事業学会
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