J-GLOBAL ID:200901045123964782
Update date: Jan. 20, 2025 Sasaki Tomohiro
ササキ トモヒロ | Sasaki Tomohiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (1): - Niigata University
Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
Machine materials and mechanics
, Material fabrication and microstructure control
, Measurement engineering
Research keywords (1):
Optics Welding and Joining Ultrasonic
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12): - 2014 - 現在 超音波接合における相対運動の制御と最適化
- 2023 - 2026 マルチマテリアル化に対応した異材接合部の非破壊検査
- 2018 - 2022 Development of non destructive techinique using opto-acoustic method
- 2014 - 2019 Development of an education program for promoting higher-level engineers by considering their diverse study history
- 2014 - 2017 Relative motion control and optimization of ultrasonic bonding
- 2012 - 2014 ステンレス鋼のレーザー溶接に関する研究
- 2012 - 2014 アルミニウム合金の超音波接合に関する研究
- 2011 - 2013 Analysis of Ultrasonic Welding Process using Optical Measurement
- 2010 - 2012 異種ステンレス鋼板の溶接の研究
- 2009 - 2010 電子スペックル干渉法を用いた金属材料の寿命評価
- 2009 - 2010 Improvement of high temperature property of TiAl based alloy using Al diffusion to machining defect
- 2007 - 2009 アルミニウム合金と工具との凝着性に関する研究
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Papers (58): -
Eric Heppner, Tomohiro Sasaki, Frank Trommer, Elmar Woschke. Model development for numerical analysis of the bonding strength for friction welded lightweight structures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2024. 229
Chenxue Wang, Tomohiro Sasaki, Atsutoshi Hirao. In Situ Observation of Bubbles and the Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on Bubble Behavior in EDM. Materials. 2023. 16. 20
Yuma Murata, Tomohiro Sasaki, Sanichiro Yoshida. Stress Dependence on Relaxation of Deformation Induced by Laser Spot Heating. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 2022. 15. 18
高根沢佑斗, 森清友亮, 坂上勇太, 森隆裕, 古賀良生, 望月友晴, 古賀寛, 坂本信, 小林公一, 田邊裕治, et al. Accuracy verification of cortical bone thickness in terms of anteroposterior knee X-ray image. 臨床バイオメカニクス(Web). 2022. 43
ITOH Hajime, YAMAMOTO Ryu-ichi, SASAKI Tomohiro. Heat deformation analysis using a finite element model on gas pressure welding for railway rail. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY. 2022. 40. 1. 44-55
more... MISC (24): -
佐々木 朋裕. 超音波接合-State of Arts on Joint Interface : Ultrasonic Bonding-溶接・接合をめぐる最近の動向 ; 溶接・接合工学の最近の動向 ; 界面接合分野の最近の動向 : 界面接合研究委員会. 溶接学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Welding Society. 2024. 93. 5. 330-332
佐々木 朋裕. 溶接・接合不完全部シリーズ 超音波接合における欠陥の原因と対策-Causes and remedies for weld defects in ultrasonic bonding. 軽金属溶接 = Journal of light metal welding : 軽金属溶接協会誌. 2023. 61. 2. 56-60
佐々木 朋裕. 超音波接合-Ultrasonic Bonding-創立60周年記念号 ; 溶接・接合技術の展望. 軽金属溶接 = Journal of light metal welding : 軽金属溶接協会誌. 2022. 60. 10. 488-492
S. Yoshida, N. Fujishima, T. Sasaki. Field theory of deformation and fracture applied to fatigue fracture. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2022. 2522
Wang Chenxue, Tomohiro Sasaki, Atsutoshi Hirao. Observation of Bubble Behavior in EDM with Ultrasonic Vibration. Procedia CIRP. 2022. 113. 267-272
more... Lectures and oral presentations (93): -
Dynamics of Deformation-to-Fracture Transition Based on Wave Theory
(Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series 2020)
Influence of relative motion on ultrasonic bonding of copper and aluminum
(The Proceedings of Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch 2019)
Analysis of deformation behavior of aluminum plate in ultrasonic bonding
(The Proceedings of Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch 2019)
Visualization of Fatigue deformation behaviour using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
(The Proceedings of Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch 2019)
Heat Deformation analysis of the Gas Pressure Welding using Finite Element Model
(Preprints of the National Meeting of JWS 2019)
more... Education (3): - 2003 - 2006 横浜国立大学大学院博士課程後期 工学府機能発現工学専攻
- - 2003 Yokohama National University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 2001 Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials
Professional career (1): - Doctor (Engineering) (Yokohama National University)
Work history (7): - 2020/04 - 現在 Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology
- 2012/10/01 - 現在 Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Advanced Materials Science and Technology Advanced Mechanical Science and Engineering Associate Professor
- 2012/10 - 2020/03 Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Associate Professor
- 2009/04/01 - 2012/09/30 Niigata University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering Creative Engineering Assistant Professor
- 2007/04/01 - 2009/03/31 Yokohama National University Research Associate
- 2008/07/28 - 2009/03/25 Southeastern Louisiana University Research fellow
- 2006/04/01 - 2007/04/01 Yokohama National University Assistant
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Committee career (4): - 2018/04 - 現在 溶接学会 東部支部 代議員
- 2017/04 - 現在 日本鉄鋼協会北陸信越支部 幹事
- 2013/04 - 現在 溶接学会 界面接合研究委員会 幹事
- 2007/04/01 - 2009/03/31 日本金属学会 ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会 ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会 運営委員
Awards (2): - 2013/04 - 溶接学会 溶接学会論文奨励賞
- 2012/05/18 - JWS Interfacial Joining Research Award
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japan Welding Society
, The Japan Institute of Light Metals
, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
, The Japan Sciety of Mechanical Engineers
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