J-GLOBAL ID:200901045404686919
Update date: Aug. 23, 2022 Oikawa Takehisa
オイカワ タケヒサ | Oikawa Takehisa
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Ecology and environmental science
, Environmental dynamics
Research keywords (4):
, 植物生態学
, Global Environment and Biosphere
, Plant Ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 地球変化に対する陸上生態系の応答
- Global Change and Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems
MISC (31): Books (1): - A simulation study of grassland carbon dynamics as influenced by atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> concentration
ed. S. Murai"Toward Global Planning of Sustanable Use Elsevier Sci. 1995
Professional career (1): Committee career (2): - 1986 - 日本生態学会 編集委員
- 日本農業気象学会 編集委員,評議員
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (6):
, 環境科学会
, 日本気象学会
, 日本農業気象学会
, 日本生態学会
, 日本植物学会
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