J-GLOBAL ID:200901045657158277
Update date: Aug. 26, 2022 Sankichi Takahashi
タカハシ サンキチ | Sankichi Takahashi
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.hi-tech.ac.jp Research field (3):
Energy chemistry
, Transfer phenomena and unit operations
, Thermal engineering
Research keywords (6):
, 熱工学
, 化学工学一般
, Energy Engineering
, Thermal Engineering
, Chemical Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (40): Books (4): - <sup>17</sup>O-NMR化学シフト法による水の液体構造評価の可能性
機能水の科学と利用技術 1999
- Possibility in Analysis of the Liquid Structure of Water Using the <sup>17</sup>O-NMR Chemical Shift Method
Science of a functional water & its using technology 1999
- Ultraclean Technology Handbook vol. 1
Marcel dekker, Inc. (New York) 1993
- Separation science and technology
Marcel clekker, Inc. (New York) 1991
Professional career (1): Committee career (1): Awards (6): - 1993 - (社)空気調和、衛生工学論文賞
- 1990 - 市村賞
- 1983 - 日本靜電気学会・進歩賞
- 1982 - (財)造水促進センター・技術賞
- 1981 - 化学工学会・技術賞
- 1972 - (社)発明協会・発明奨励賞
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