J-GLOBAL ID:200901045826913608
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024 Hino Shoun
ヒノ ショウウン | Hino Shoun
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (2):
Vedanta Study
, Study on Ved(]J1107[)nta
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - ヒンドゥーの通過儀礼
- ヒンドゥーの聖と俗
- 不二一元の伝統
- Himdu Sa(]E88BA[)sk(]J1107[)ra
- Sacred and Profane in Hinduism
- Advaita Tradition
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MISC (4): -
On a Commentator of Bhant(]E8AD5[)pvapa(]J1148[)ca. Toho. 1993. 9,218-227
Sure(]J1160[)vana's View on Brhad(]J1107[)ra(]E8AD2[)yakopani(]E8AD6[)ad 1.4.9-10. 1993. 41. 2. 1132-1135
The Significance of the Brahman in Later Advaitin, Madhus(]J1173[)dana Savasvat(]J1137[). Bharatiya Vidya. 1990. 49. 1-4
Sure(]J1160[)vara's Comment regarding Udg(]E87C1[)tha Up(]J1107[)san(]J1107[) Referring to BUBU 1・3. Indian and Buddhist Studies. 1990. 38. 2
Books (30): - Advaita Tradition Series 12th vol.
Motilal Banarsidass 2005
- Historical Perspective in Vedaidte Philosophy The Way to Liberation
Manohar 2001
- ヒンドゥイズムにおける救済 癒しと救い
玉川大学出版部 2001
- Historical Perspective in Vedaidte Philosophy The Way to Liberation
Manohar 2001
- Puja and Samskara
Motilal Banarsidass 2001
more... Education (4): - - 1979 プーナ大学大学院 サンスクリット学科 サンスクリット
- - 1973 Nagoya University School of Letters
- - 1973 Nagoya University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2): Committee career (1): Awards (2): - 1993 - 日本翻訳文化賞
- 1991 - 東方学術賞奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本仏教学会
, インド思想史学会
, 東海印度学仏教学会
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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