Research theme for competitive and other funds (17):
2023 - 2026 Determination of the dominant slip system in quartz and its importance to the upper crustal rheology
2021 - 2024 アーカイブとしての堆積物を用いた阪神大震災時のアスベスト放出状況の評価
2020 - 2023 Three dimensional structure of active faults in Osaka Plain from surface to seismogenic zone
2018 - 2021 Experimental Research on the mechanical behavior of brittle-ductile transition of the granitic crust and crstal strength
2017 - 2020 Arsenic and its transformation of chemical form in the cycle of crust and hydrosphere
2016 - 2020 Temporal change in crustal strength based on the analysis of deformation microstructures in the lower crustal rocks
2014 - 2019 Investigation of fault development and crustal structure from microscopic to macroscopic scales based on geological and seismic observations
2012 - 2015 Spatial and temporal distributions of pollutants in East Asia inferred from chemical characteristics of spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) from sediment core samples
2009 - 2012 Establishment of unified logic of arsenic contaminated groundwater formation process in Neogene sediments of Asia
2007 - 2009 Deformation mechanism of rocks of the Ryoke metamorphic belt as deep process of the inland earthquakes
2003 - 2006 Clarify on the formation mechanism of arsenic contaminated groundwater in the alluvial plain of Bangladesh
2004 - 2005 長期歴史トレンド解析による大陸起源大気汚染物質長距離輸送の環境影響評価
2003 - 2005 Solution of problem on SIP (Shear-induced Polarization) in fault gouges and the development to the field observations.
2002 - 2003 ブライトレイヤーの地質学的・岩石学的検証
2001 - 2002 Dynamics of fault gauge during seismic forcal process
2000 - 2002 Chemical forms of arsenic in the modern sediments under microbiologically controlled condition concerned with arsenic polluted groundwater
1999 - 2000 Tectonics, Petrology and Geochronology of Proterozoic Mobile Belts if India: Summary of IGCP-368
Show all
Papers (92):
Gustavo Viegas, Rhander Taufner, Takamoto Okudaira, Károly Hidas, Manuel D. Menzel, Carlos J. Archanjo, Yasmin dos Santos Pereira, Carolina Peixoto de Souza. Fracturing, comminution and grain-size-sensitive creep as a record of coseismic loading in the middle-crust: insights from the Urtiga mylonitic pluton (NE Brazil). Journal of Structural Geology. 2024. 187. 105237
Qi Wang, Takamoto Okudaira, Norio Shigematsu. Dominant slip systems of quartz under lower amphibolite-facies conditions identified from microstructures and CPOs in quartz phenocrysts. Journal of Structural Geology. 2024. 182. 105106
Simon R. Wallis, Takamoto Okudaira, Kazuhiro Miyazaki. Paired Metamorphism of SW Japan and Implications for Tectonics of Convergent Margins. Elements. 2024. 20. 2. 71-76
Endo, H, Michibayashi, K, Okudaira, T, Mainprice, D. Effect of Low Viscosity Contrast between Quartz and Plagioclase on Creep Behavior of the Mid-Crustal Shear Zone. Minerals. 2024. 14
重松 紀生, 藤本 光一郎, 奥平 敬元. Median Tectonic Line fault zone revealed by borehole analysis. 月刊地球. 2014. 36. 3. 120-129
Nishikawa Osamu, Okudaira Takamoto, Yoshida Masayuki, Shiraishi Tateo. Deformation structures developed in the Neogene strata in Dewa hilly land, Akita Prefecture. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 2008. 114. 0. S75-S85
Okudaira Takamoto, Yuhara Masaki, Ikeda Takeshi, Nakajima Takashi. Mid-Cretaceous plutono-metamorphic complex of the Ryoke and San-yo zones in the Iwakuni-Yanai district, SW Japan. Hutton Symposium V, Field Guidebook, Geological Survey of Japan, Interim-Report. 2003. 28. 23-40
Deformotion mechanism of the granitic and matic mylonite in the ductile shear Zone
1998 -
Petrological Study of the high-grade gneiss in the Eastern Ghat, India
1997 -
Petrological Study on the Kaizuki-yama contact metarorphic belt in the Kasuga-mura, Gitu Prefecture
1996 -
Geological and petrologicul Studies on the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the Yanai district, Yamaguchi Prefecture
1990 -
Education (2):
1990 - 1995 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science Department of Geology and Mineralogy
1986 - 1990 Aichi University of Education Faculty of Education Department of Science
Professional career (2):
PhD (Hiroshima University)
Master of Science (Hiroshima University)
Work history (10):
2022/04 - 現在 Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Geosciences
2017/04 - 現在 Osaka City University Faculty of Science
2007/04 - 2017/03 Osaka City University Faculty of Science
2013/04 - 2014/02 ノルウェートロムソ大学 在外研究員
2012/10 - 2013/03 Kumamoto University Adjunct Lecturer
2008/10 - 2009/03 Osaka Kyoiku University
2007/10 - 2008/03 Osaka Koiku University Adjunct Lecturer
2006/10 - 2007/03 Osaka Kyoiku University Adjunct Lecturer
1997/04 - 2007/03 Osaka City University Faculty of Science
1996/04 - 1997/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員
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Committee career (13):
2020/01 - 現在 Geological Society of Japan Associate Editor of Island Arc
2012/04 - 現在 大阪生物多様性保全ネットワーク 専門部会委員
2007/04 - 現在 関西自然保護機構 会誌編集委員
2005/01 - 現在 NPO法人大阪自然史センター 理事
2000/03 - 現在 日本地質学会近畿支部 幹事
2006/04 - 2017/03 日本地質学会 代議員
2014/04 - 2016/03 大学入試センター 教科科目第一委員
2007/04 - 2016/03 関西自然保護機構 運営委員
2005/10 - 2014/09 日本地質学会 雑誌編集委員
2009 - 2013 日本地質学会 構造地質部会幹事
2010/04 - 2012/03 日本地質学会 理事
2005/04 - 2008/03 日本地質学会 広報委員
2005/04 - 2008/03 日本地質学会 インターネット委員
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Awards (1):
2016/08 - The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan Earth Science Award Petrological properties of tephra beds based on the major and trace element composition of volcanic glass shards -a case study of the Osaka Group and the Takashima-oki drilling core sediments in Lake Biwa, Kinki district, Japan-
Association Membership(s) (4):
, Japanese Association of Mineralogical Sciences
, Geological Society of Japan
, American Geophysical Union