Research field (6):
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
, Developmental biology
, Cell biology
, Molecular biology
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (1):
Central nervous systems retina vision polarity adhesion bipolar photoreceptor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16):
2022 - 2027 色彩を支配する錐体シナプスの構造機能連関と移植シナプス再生機能解析
2023 - 2026 冬眠する細胞が持つ圧力耐性-新たな網膜疾患治療戦略への展開
2021 - 2026 AIの導入による総合的錯視研究の新展開
2019 - 2024 時空間視覚情報処理を実現する網膜ダイナミクスの機能構築理解と数理モデル構築
2020 - 2023 RNA結合タンパク質Quakingによる網膜初期発生の分子機構の解明
2019 - 2023 眼球運動で揺動する視覚像の網膜情報処理機構の研究
2017 - 2020 The BAR domains that function in the protrusive membranes
2015 - 2019 Multiphasic studies on visual illusions with experimental psychology, brain function imaging, mathematical analyses and biological approaches
2012 - 2018 From molecules to consciousness, the role of retinal ON bipolar cells in visual function.
2012 - 2015 Refinement mechanism of primal visual processing in mouse retina
2008 - 2011 網膜ON ・OFF回路基盤と視覚行動制御メカニズムの解析 (Investigation of the ON-OFF visual transmission pathways in retinal circuits governing visual behavioral responses)
2008 - 2010 The regulatory mechanisms of retinal photoreceptor development
2006 - 2007 Mechanisms of Retinal Photoreceptor differentiation
2004 - 2005 Mechanisms of retinal photoreceptor development
2004 - 2005 網膜光受容体細胞発生の分化決定機構の解析
2002 - 2003 アンチザイム標的分子の探索
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Papers (60):
Watanabe M., Yamada T., Koike C., Takahashi M., Tachibana M., Mandai M. Transplantation of genome edited retinal organoids restores light-adapted retinal function in the retina of advanced retinal degeneration. Stem Cell Report. 2025
Keisuke Yoshida, Osamu Sakai, Tomoo Honda, Tomio Kikuya, Ryuji, Takeda, Akiyoshi Sawabe, Masamaru Inaba, Chieko Koike. Effects of Astaxanthin, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin on Eye-hand Coordination and Smooth-pursuit Eye Movement after Visual Display Terminal Operation in Healthy Subjects: A Randomized, Double-blind Placebo-controlled Intergroup Trial. Nutrients. 2023
Yukari Takeda, Kazuma Sato, Yukari Hosoki, Shuji Tachibanaki, Chieko Koike, Akira Amano. Mathematical analysis of phototransduction reaction parameters in rods and cones. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1
Daiki Inooka , Yoshihiro Omori , Noriyuki Ouchi , Koji Ohashi , Yuto Kawakami , Yoshito Koyanagi , Chieko Koike, Hiroko Terasaki , Koji M. Nishiguchi, Shinji Ueno. Ablation of Ctrp9, ligand of adipoR1, and lower number of cone photoreceptors in mouse retina. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2022. 63. 5. 14-14
Yukari Takeda, Kazuma Sato, Yukari Hosoki, Shuji Tachibanaki, Chieko Koike, Akira AMANO. Mathematical Analysis of Electrical Responses in Photoreceptor Cells Reveals Distinct Chemical Control of Visual Signal Transduction in Rods and Cones. 2021
Vision Science Forum
, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
, The Society for Neuroscience
, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
, The Japan Neuroscience Society