J-GLOBAL ID:200901046725712489
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Eimoto Tadaaki
エイモト タダアキ | Eimoto Tadaaki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Human pathology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 肺癌の前癌病変
- 胸腺上皮性腫瘍の臨床病理学
- リンパ球増殖病変の分子病理学的診断
- 肺癌における癌遺伝子と癌抑制遺伝子
- 胸腺上皮性腫瘍の分子病理学
- Molecular diagnosis of lymphoproliferative lesions.
- Oncogene and tumor suppressor gene in lung cancer
- Molecular pathology in thymic epithelial tumors.
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MISC (65): - H Yamazaki, H Tateyama, K Asai, Fukai, I, Y Fujii, T Tada, T Eimoto. Glia maturation factor-beta is produced by thymoma and may promote intratumoral T-cell differentiation. HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2005. 47. 3. 292-302
- H Yamazaki, H Tateyama, K Asai, Fukai, I, Y Fujii, T Tada, T Eimoto. Glia maturation factor-beta is produced by thymoma and may promote intratumoral T-cell differentiation. HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2005. 47. 3. 292-302
Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart. 1. Type A thymoma. pp. 154-156. 2. Type AB thymoma. pp. 157-158. 3. Micronadular thymoma with lymphoid stroma. pp. 167-168. 4. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma. pp. 177-178. ・・・. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours. 2004
Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart. 1. Type A thymoma. pp. 154-156. 2. Type AB thymoma. pp. 157-158. 3. Micronadular thymoma with lymphoid stroma. pp. 167-168. 4. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma. pp. 177-178. ・・・. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours. 2004
- E Takahashi, H Tateyama, H Akatsu, Fukai, I, Y Yamakawa, Y Fujii, T Eimoto. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 7 in tumor cells correlates with the world health organization classification subtype and clinical stage of thymic epithelial tumors. HUMAN PATHOLOGY. 2003. 34. 12. 1253-1258
more... Books (44): - Histopathologic changes of thymoma preoperatively treated with corticosteroids.
- API2-MALT1 fusion transcripts involved in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Multiplex RT-PCR detection using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens.
- Mott cell tumor of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori infection.
- Clinical and functional significance of WHO classification on human thymic epithelial neoplasma. A study of 146 consecutive tumors.
- Histopathologic changes of thymoma preoperatively treated with corticosteroids.
Virchows Archiv 2001
more... Education (2): - - 1967 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine
- - 1967 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1): Committee career (1): - 1993 - American College of Angiology Fellow
Association Membership(s) (6):
American College of Angiology
, 日本臨床細胞学会
, 国際病理アカデミー
, 日本病理医協会
, 日本肺癌学会
, 日本病理学会
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