Research keywords (6):
, 国際政治学
, Cultures and Social Structures
, Coexistence of Different Nations
, Regional Study of Europe (East European Study)
, (International )Politics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1998 - 中東欧、バルカンの民族紛争と欧州安全保障の再編
1998 - Ethnic Conflict in Central-Eastern Eure and Balkan and Restructuring of European Intrenational Security System
1994 - NATO拡大と東欧安全保障
1994 - The Enlargement of NATO and East European Security
1989 - 国民国家の変遷-ル-マニアとモルドヴァの場合
1989 - Study on Transformation of Nation-state : the Case of Romania and Moldova