J-GLOBAL ID:200901047105167754
Update date: Aug. 27, 2022 Ishihara Hidehiko
イシハラ ヒデヒコ | Ishihara Hidehiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research keywords (2):
>Monetary Economics
, >Economic Theory,Monetary Theory, Monetary Macroecomomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): Papers (11): MISC (2): -
石原 秀彦. 「ライフサイクル/恒常所得仮説と予備的貯蓄:理論的含意と実証上の問題点」. 内閣府経済社会総合研究所. 2001. >
石原 秀彦. 債務決済の仲介に関する小論 エドワード・J・グリーン. 慶應義塾経済学会 三田学会雑誌70巻3号. 1997. >
Lectures and oral presentations (3): -
『What Information is Required for Cirinlating Privately-Issued Notes?』
(日本経済学会1998年度秋季大会 1998)
『A Demand-Governing Economy. A New Appvoach to Keynesian Economics』
(日本経済学会1997年度大会 1997)
(理論・計量経済学会1996年度大会 1996)
Education (1): - - 1997 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2003 - 2003 Associate Professor, School of Economics, Senshu University
- 2001 - 2003 Parttime Lecturer, Faculty of Humanity and Environment
- 1999 - 2002 Lecturer, School of Economics, Senshu University
- 1997 - 1999 Research Associate, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo
Association Membership(s) (2):
Japan Society of Monetary Economics
, Japan Economics Association
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