J-GLOBAL ID:200901047135181077
Update date: Jun. 09, 2020
Sakakibara Kazuhisa
サカキバラ カズヒサ | Sakakibara Kazuhisa
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Bioorganic chemistry
, Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2009 - 2012 粘土を主成分とする機能性分子を坦持したハイブリッド膜の分子設計と作製
2001 - 2003 Development of nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer and molecular design of the computer molecule
Papers (81):
S. Nakagawa, K. Sakakibara, H. Gotoh. Novel degradation mechanism for triarylmethane dyes: Acceleration of degradation speed by the attack of active oxygen to halogen groups. DYES AND PIGMENTS. 2016. 124. 130-132
Akira Seto, Yuki Ochi, Hiroaki Gotoh, Kazuhisa Sakakibara, Shota Hatazawa, Kanekazu Seki, Naoaki Saito, Yuji Mishima. Trapping chlorine radicals via substituting nitro radicals in the gas phase. Anal. Methods. 2015. 2016. 8. 25-28
Ryuta Toba, Hiroaki Gotoh, Kazuhisa Sakakibara. Scavenging and Characterization of Short-Lived Radicals Using a Novel Stable Nitroxide Radical with a Characteristic UV-vis Absorption Spectrum. ORGANIC LETTERS. 2014. 16. 15. 3868-3871
Michiaki Kuroha, Hiroaki Gotoh, Muhammed Shah Miran, Tomohiro Yasuda, Masayoshi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Sakakibara. Proton-conductivity-enhancing Ionic Liquid Consisting of Guanidine and Excess Trifluoromethanesulfonic Acid. CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 2014. 43. 5. 649-651
Kazuki Mori, Syu Hashimoto, Tomoaki Yuzuri, Kazuhisa Sakakibara. Structural and Spectroscopic Characteristics of a Proton-Conductive Ionic Liquid Diethylmethylammonium Trifluoromethanesulfonate [dema][TfOH]. BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2010. 83. 4. 328-334
MISC (3):
実験と理論化学による反応の遷移状態解明 4-ニトロフェニル alpha-D-マンノピラノシドの反応. 化学同人. 2017. 72. 3. 66-67
川崎加瑞範, 榊原和久. ラジカル捕集粘土膜. 独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所コンパクト化学システム研究センター. 2011. 213-215
日本化学会編、化学者のための基礎講座6、化学ラボガイド (共著). 朝倉書店. 2002
Patents (3):
Books (2):
東京化学同人 2008
化学サポートシリーズ コンピューターで分子の形をみる-分子力場計算入門-
裳華房 2005
Lectures and oral presentations (34):
Capturing and Identification of reactive radicals in the environment by using radical trapping clay sheet
(The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Composite Materials 2112)
4A3-16 新規特異的UV-vis吸収スペクトルを有するニトロキシルラジカルを用いた、短寿命活性ラジカル種の捕獲と同定
(日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014)
4A3-15 無加湿中温型燃料電池用電解質を目指した新規グアニジン型プロトン伝導性イオン液体の創製
(日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014)
(第2回3次元ゲル線量計研究会 2013)
(第3回CSJ化学フェスタ2013 2013)
Education (2):
- 1977 Yokohama National University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1975 Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
理学博士(東京大学) (東京大学大学院理学系研究科)
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