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J-GLOBAL ID:200901048197076659   Update date: Dec. 18, 2024

Urashima Tadasu

ウラシマ タダス | Urashima Tadasu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.obihiro.ac.jp/~dairy_science/
Research field  (2): Functional biochemistry ,  Structural biochemistry
Research keywords  (5): 糖鎖 ,  生合成 ,  化学構造 ,  glycoconjugate ,  Chemical structure
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (22):
  • 2019 - 2022 Study of the biological significance of oligosaccharide nucleotides separated from domestic farm animals' milk and attempt to utilize it in animal feed
  • 2016 - 2019 反芻家畜乳におけるオリゴ糖ヌクレオチドの探索と腸管機能調整因子としての意義の解明
  • 2005 - 2010 初乳成分の高度利用技術の開発
  • 2005 - 2009 初乳成分の高度利用技術の開発
  • 2005 - 2007 Covering analysis of glycogens in fowls and those related species and the establishment of molecularphy logenetic tree
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Papers (227):
  • Tadasu Urashima, Risa Horiuchi, Mikiyasu Sakanaka, Takane Katayama, Kenji Fukuda. Lactose or milk oligosaccharide: which is significant among mammals?. Animal Frontiers. 2023. 13. 3. 14-23
  • T. Asakawa, S. Fukushige, K. Egami, A. Uotsu, S. Watanabe, T. Urashima, K. Fukuda. Milk composition of some species belonging to Cetaartiodactyla, Bovidae. Milk Science. 2022. 71. 2. 47-52
  • H. Fukuizumi, M. Matsunaga, A. Kawamura, K. Egami, T. Urashima, K. Fukuda. Change of milk composition of grevyi sebra (Equus grevyi) during the course of lactation. Milk Science. 2022. 71. 2. 42-46
  • Y. Aramaki, A. Uodzu, T. Kanazawa, S. Watanabe, K. Fukuda, T. Urashima, M. Tanaka. Change of milk compositions and suckling frequency in South American tapir during the course of lactation. Milk Science. 2022. 71. 2. 35-41
  • Miriam N Ojima, Lin Jiang, Aleksandr A Arzamasov, Keisuke Yoshida, Toshitaka Odamaki, Jinzhong Xiao, Aruto Nakajima, Motomitsu Kitaoka, Junko Hirose, Tadasu Urashima, et al. Priority effects shape the structure of infant-type Bifidobacterium communities on human milk oligosaccharides. The ISME journal. 2022
MISC (36):
  • Tadasu Urashima, Masami Umewaki, Epi Taufik, Takeharu Ohshima, Kenji Fukuda, Tadao Saito, Katherine Whitehouse-Tedd, Jane A Budd, Olav T Oftedal. Chemical structures of oligosaccharides in milks of the American black bear (Ursus americanus americanus) and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Glycoconjugate journal. 2020. 37. 1. 57-76
  • 阪中幹祥, 阪中幹祥, 栗原新, 栗原新, 片山高嶺, 片山高嶺, HANSEN Morten Ejby, 後藤愛那, 加藤紀彦, 吉田圭佑, et al. Evolutionary traits found in fucosyllactose transporters support symbiosis between bifidobacteria and breast-fed infants. Institute for Fermentation, Osaka. Research Communications. 2019. 33
  • Ni Putu Desy Aryantini, Jashbhai B Prajapati, Tadasu Urashima, Kenji Fukuda. Complete Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus fermentum MTCC 25067 (Formerly TDS030603), a Viscous Exopolysaccharide-Producing Strain Isolated from Indian Fermented Milk. Genome announcements. 2017. 5. 13
  • Devi Murtini, Ni Putu Desy Aryantini, I Nengah Sujaya, Tadasu Urashima, Kenji Fukuda. Effects of prebiotic oligosaccharides consumption on the growth and expression profile of cell surface-associated proteins of a potential probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus FSMM15. Bioscience of microbiota, food and health. 2016. 35. 1. 41-9
  • 福田 健二, 松本 慎平, 浦島 匡. Cp-7 Lactobacillus fermentum TDS030603が生産する細胞外多糖の分解活性(糖質の構造・分析,一般講演,一般社団法人日本応用糖質科学会平成27年度大会(第64回)). 応用糖質科学 : 日本応用糖質科学会誌. 2015. 5. 3. B51
Patents (3):
  • シアル酸含有オリゴ糖の製造方法 発明人:木村一雅、渡邊陽子、荒井威吉、浦島 匡、中村 正
  • 免疫調節作用が期待できる乳酸菌および菌体外多糖類 発明人:浦島 匡、内田健治、橋田修吉、荒井威吉、橋本修一、外村幹雄、開 敏之、岩本真奈、元島英雅
  • シアル酸化合物のラクトン体の製造方法
Books (18):
  • Evolution of milk oligosaccharides and their function in monotremes and marsupials in Evolutionary Biology: Self/nonself evolution, species and complex traits evolution, methods and concepts (P. Pontarotti ed.)
    Springer 2017 ISBN:9783319615684
  • おっぱいの進化史
    技術評論社 2017 ISBN:9784774186795
  • Oligosaccharides in the Milk of Other Mammals in Prebiotics and Probiotics in Human Milk (Michelle McGuire, Mark McGuire, Lars Bode eds.)
    Academic Press 2016
  • ヨーグルトの辞典(斎藤忠夫、伊藤裕之、岩附慧二、吉岡俊満編)
    朝倉書店 2016 ISBN:9784254431186
  • Evolutionary Biology, Genome Evolution, Speciation, Coevolution and Origin of Life (P. Pontarotti ed.)
    Springer 2014 ISBN:9783319076225
Works (9):
  • ミルクプロテインの機能性
    浦島 匡 2016 - 現在
  • おいしい国産チーズ開発プロジェクト
    浦島 匡 2015 - 2018
  • 初乳成分の高度利用技術の開発(農林水産省生物系特定産業技術研究支援機構「異分野融合」
    2005 - 2009
  • 乳酸菌ライブラリーの構築
    2004 -
  • Library construction of lactic acid bacteria
    2004 -
Education (4):
  • - 1986 Tohoku University
  • - 1986 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  • - 1980 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Agriculture
  • - 1980 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
  • Ph.D. (Tohoku University)
  • Ph.D. (Tohoku University)
Work history (7):
  • 1994 - 2003 Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
  • 2003 - 帯広大学 教授
  • 2003 - Obihiro University of Agriculture & veteriary
  • 1994 - 2001 Obihiro University of Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor
  • 1986 - 1994 Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
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Committee career (3):
  • 2016/08 - 現在 日本糖鎖コンソーシアム 幹事
  • 2015/01 - 現在 日本酪農科学会 副会長(ミルクサイエンス誌編集長)
  • 2004 - 2006 糖質学会 評議員
Awards (1):
  • 2001 - 日本酪農科学会賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
糖鎖コンソーシアム ,  JAPANESE DAIRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ,  応用糖質 ,  糖質学会 ,  畜産学会 ,  農芸化学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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