J-GLOBAL ID:200901048610060804
Update date: Sep. 14, 2024
Maeda Kohji
マエダ コウジ | Maeda Kohji
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Analytical chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2020 - 2023 生体膜反応を模擬した電荷膜透過反応の空間的共役の原理解明のための電気化学計測
- 2014 - 2017 tandem-type thin layer-electrolytic flow cell for absolute determination of ions in mixed solution
- 2010 - 2012 Potential scanning electrolytic extraction by the electrolysis flow cell with both an aqueous thin layer and an organic thin layer
- 2010 - 2012 Measurement of spatial propagation and synchronization of potential oscillation driven by charge transfers between two phases and evaluation their mechanisms
- 2007 - 2008 The electrochemical control of the soft interface structure and its application to the separation chemistry
- 2004 - 2006 Elucidation of characteristics of "Active ions" produced at the liquid/liquid or liquid/membrane interface and its application to analytical chemistry
- 2004 - 2005 Refinement and quantification of potential oscillation by temporal and spatial control of ion transfer at a liquid/liquid interface
- 2001 - 2002 Development of a separation/determination method based on the quantitative controlled potential electrolysis at the aqueous/organic solution interface and its application to coulometry of ions
- 2000 - 2001 迅速電解調整した溶媒和電子を用いる有害有機化合物の処理
- 1999 - 2001 Elucidation of membrane transport processes coupled with respiration mimetic reactions and development of novel membrane separation methods
- 1998 - 1999 興奮性膜界面の電気化学的理解とセンサー素子としての評価
- 1998 - 1998 何をはかる?どうはかる?-分析化学的方法論の新たな可能性を目指して-
- 1994 - 1994 第2高調波発生を利用した液々界面電荷移動反応機構の研究
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Papers (74):
Ryo IWASAKI, Junya UCHIDA, Yudai YAMANA, Yui NAKAMURA, Kohji MAEDA, Shingo SOTOMA, Yumi YOSHIDA. Coulometric Determination of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) with the Thin-layer Electrolysis Flow Cell for the Ion Transfer. Electrochemistry. 2023. 91. 8. 087004-087011
Naoto Ishida, Kazuki Kamada, Terumasa Omatsu, Kohji Maeda, Yumi Yoshida. Uphill Accumulation of Ionic Species into a Lipid Vesicle by the Concentration Gradient of Counter Ions. Langmuir. 2022. 38. 46. 14208-14216
Shiho Tatsumi, Terumasa Omatsu, Kohji Maeda, Maral P.S. Mousavi, George M. Whitesides, Yumi Yoshida. An all-solid-state thin-layer laminated cell for calibration-free coulometric determination of K+. Electrochimica Acta. 2022. 408
Terumasa Omatsu, Kisho Hori, Naoto Ishida, Kohji Maeda, Yumi Yoshida. Distribution of ion pairs into a bilayer lipid membrane and its effect on the ionic permeability. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 2021. 1863. 11
Mayuko Suzuki, Takumi Ueda, Takehito Hirose, Yumi Yoshida, Kohji Maeda. In situ observation of the dispersed state of o/w emulsions based on electrochemiluminescence. Bunseki Kagaku. 2021. 70. 9. 541-550
MISC (9):
井関鈴鹿, 熊田陽一, 吉田裕美, 前田耕治. 化学発光反応場としての液液界面リン脂質層とリポソームの比較. 日本分析化学会年会講演要旨集. 2012. 61st. 184-184
前田 耕治. 化学分析のしかた 数値の取り扱いかた-Process of chemical analysis: handling of numerical data. ぶんせき / 日本分析化学会 編. 2011. 2011年. 3. 126-131
辰野 吉英, 奥垣 智彦, 吉田 裕美, 前田 耕治. 膜電位振動はどのように伝播するのか : 細胞間の伝播と同期のモデル. ポーラログラフィー. 2010. 56. 3. 155
前田 耕治. 電流-電位曲線を基礎とする金属の溶出・析出反応の理解. 電気加工技術. 2008. 32. 100. 19-24
Ohmic drop and electrochemical oscillation. Review of Polarography. 2003. 49. 3. 237-239
Books (4):
化学同人 2020 ISBN:9784759820225
分析化学の基礎 : 定量的アプローチ
化学同人 2012 ISBN:9784759814651
化学同人 2007 ISBN:9784759811353
[前田耕治] 2006
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
(第 84 回 分析化学討論会 2024)
(第 84 回 分析化学討論会 2024)
(第 84 回 分析化学討論会 2024)
(第69回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 2023)
電気化学発光によるエマルション分散状態の推定 -単分散系と多分散系に分けた解析法の提案-
(第69回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 2023)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 電気化学会
, 日本分析化学会
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