J-GLOBAL ID:200901048725283700
Update date: Sep. 03, 2022 Shimoide Tetsuo
シモイデ テツオ | Shimoide Tetsuo
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (2):
, Modern Chinese Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (22): -
「下郷知識青年」の思想について. 日本中国当代文学研究会. 2002. 16, 2-12
Thoughts of the Educated Youth (Zhi-qing). Bulletin of Society for Chinese Contemporary Literature. 2002. 16, 2-12
社会主義リアリズム論争ノートVI-「世界観」について. 日本中国当代中国文学研究会会報. 2001. 5, 2-21
A Note on Socialist Realism in China VI - on World View of Communists. Bulletin of Society for Chinese Contemporary Literature. 2001. 5, 2-21
自由の隘路-一九二〇年代中国知識人の自由の観念をめぐって. 東洋文化. 1997. 77. 53-91
more... Books (4): - 「抗戦」と「逃戦」の間-抗戦と蕭紅
小谷一郎編「転形期の中国知識人」汲古書院 1999
- 流亡の民族資本家-杜重遠について
「魯迅と同時代人」汲古書院 1992
- A Patriotic Industrialist from North-East China-note on Du Zhongyuan
"Lu Xun and His Age"Kyuko Shoin 1992
- Anti Japanese War and Xiao-Hong
Kotani Ichiro ed. "Chinese Intellectual in a Period of Transition" Kyuko Shoin
Education (4): - - 1981 The University of Tokyo
- - 1981 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1976 Wako University
- - 1976 Wako University Faculty of Humanities
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 現代中国学会
, 日本中国学会
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