J-GLOBAL ID:200901049020231189
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Tada Kaoru
タダ カオル | Tada Kaoru
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (3):
Chemical reaction and process system engineering
, Transfer phenomena and unit operations
, Polymer materials
Research keywords (4):
, 相平衡
, 高分子反応
, Chem. Eng. Thermodynamics Phase Equilibria Simulation PBT
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (2): -
多田 薫, 山田 敏郎, 加中 桂一. 液晶ポリマー重合におけるアセチル化反応の数学モデル化. 化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集. 2007. 2007. 658-658
Nagata, I, K Tada. Representation of phase equilibria using a modified form of the extended UNIQUAC model. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1995. 268. 45-68
MISC (43): -
A Mathematical Model for Computer Simulation from Acetylation to Polycondensation for Liquid Crystalline Polymer Production. Proceedings of the 12th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE2008). 2008. 3, 1-4
A Mathematical Model for Computer Simulation from Acetylation to Polycondensation for Liquid Crystalline Polymer Production. Proceedings of the 12th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE2008). 2008. 3, 1-4
- LI Guangzhu, YAMADA Toshiro, TADA Kaoru, KATSUO Ken-ichi, ISHIHARA Hideaki. Simulation for Dry Spinning Process of Segmented Poly (urethane-urea) Fibers. Seikei-Kakou. 2007. 19. 5. 300-310
A Mathematical Model for Computer Simulation from Acetylation to Polycondensation for Liquid Crystalline Polymer Production. Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC10). 2007. 368
LI Guangzhu, YAMADA Toshiro, TADA Kaoru, KATSUO Ken-ichi, ISHIHARA Hideaki. Simulation for Dry Spinning Process of Segmented Poly(urethane-urea) Fibers. Seikei-Kakou. 2007. 19. 5. 300-310
more... Education (2): - - 1983 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Science and Engineering
- - 1983 Aoyama Gakuin University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (1): - Dr. Engineering (Kanazawa University)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 化学工学会
, the Japan Society of Polymer Processing
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