J-GLOBAL ID:200901049277190955
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024 Enomoto Satoshi
エノモト サトシ | Enomoto Satoshi
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Economic policy
, Theoretical economics
Research keywords (2):
Economic Policy (including Economic Condition)
, General Theory of Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 企業の社会性について
- マルクスの人間社会理論-その「マルクス主義」との異質性について-
- ハイテク産業における競争と独占
- 独占および独占資本主義の一般理論について
- Social Substance of Business Firm
- Marx's Theoryon Human Society-in distinction from "Marxism"-
- Competition and Monopoly in High-Technology Industry
- On General Theory of Monopoly and Monopolistic Capitalism
Show all
MISC (29): -
マルクス社会科学体系の再検討((]G0024[)). KIKAN KEIZAI KENKYU. 2001. 24. 2. 55-72
企業の社会性((]G0024[)). 季刊経済研究. 2000. 22. 4. 49-59
Enomoto Satoshi. On generality of monopolistic capitalism and law of monopoly. The quarterly journal of economic studies. 1997. 20. 2. 35-52
On Generality of Monopolistic Capitalism and Law of Monopoly(VIII). KIKAN KEIZAI KENKYU. 1997. 20. 2. 35-52
On Generality of Monopolistic Capitalism and Law of Monopoly(VII). KIKAN KEIZAI KENKYU. 1996. 18. 4. 1-12
more... Books (15): - 社会システムとイデオロギー
御茶ノ水書房、現代マルクス経済学のフロンティア 2006
- 人間概念と社会科学
学習の友社 現代に挑む唯物論 1996
- Human Nature and Social Science
Materialism to challenge the precent age 1996
- 電子企業の研究開発活動と競争
東京大学出版会,日本企業の研究開発システム 1995
- R&D and Competition in Electronic Firms
Systems of Innovation in Japanese Firms 1995
more... Education (4): - - 1989 Kyoto University
- - 1989 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1979 Nagoya University School of Agricultural Sciences
- - 1979 Nagoya University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page