Research keywords (1):
We study the development of primordial germ cells and germline stem cells of Drosophila. Especially, we focus the cellular and molecular interactions with germline cells and thier niche cells in vitro.
仁木雄三, 山口隆史. Division and Differentiation o f Germline Stem Cells of Drosophila in culture. 実験医学(羊土社). 2005. 23. 5. 697-701
E.T.Matsuura, Y. Niki. Mitochondrial mediated transformation of Drosophila. in" Mitochondrial genetics and biogenetiss". Methods in Enzymology. 1994. 264. 357-368
Drosophila Germline Stem Cells for In Vitro Analyses of PIWI-mediated RNAi In Vitro Analyses of PIWI-mediated RNAi. in "PIWI-interacting RNAs" M. C. Siomi, (Ed): Methods and Protocols the Methods in Molecular Biology Vol.1093
Humana Press 2014
Culturing Ovarian Somatic and Germline Stem Cells of Drosophila. In "Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 10, 2E.1.1-2E.1.9."
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2009
In vitro approaches of germline stem cells in fly and mouse In Stem Cell Applications in Disease and Health “ Eds. W.B. Burnsides et al.) New York
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2008 ISBN:9781604562552
in vitro でのショウジョウバエの生殖幹細胞の分裂・分化機構の解析 実験医学 23巻
羊土社 2005
Cellular and molecular analyses of a stable Drosophila germline stem cell niche reconstructed in vitro
(The 58th/60th NIBB Conference -Germline -Specification, Sex, and Stem Cells- 2012)
in vitro analyses of cellular interactions among germline stem cells, cap cells and escort cells in Drosophila.
(The 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Chicago USA) 2012)
in vitro analyses of male germline stem cells and their niche cells in Drosophila
(The 34th Annual Meeting of the MBSJ 2011)
Ecdysone signaling during spermatogenesis in Drosophila
(The 34th Annual Meeting of the MBSJ 2011)
Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Germline Stem Cell Niche and Ovarian Somatic Cells in Drosophila melanogaster
(The 34th Annual Meeting of the MBSJ 2011)