J-GLOBAL ID:200901050149384460
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022 Gojo Saeko
Gojo Saeko
Research field (1):
Literature - Japanese
Research keywords (4):
, 女房日記
, 中世文学
, Women's diaries
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (20): -
五條 小枝子. 毛利家家訓の継承(二). 県立広島大学総合教育センター紀要. 2018. 3. 75-98
五條 小枝子. 毛利家家訓の継承(一). 県立広島大学総合教育センター紀要. 2017. 2. 51-68
五條 小枝子. 西園寺家の元服-『竹むきが記』「同十二月七日、元服の事あり」考-. 県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要. 2015. 10. 81-92
日野資名後室芝禅尼の活躍-『竹むきが記』人物考証-. 広島女学院大学大学院言語文化論叢. 2007. 10. 141-163
中の丸(毛利元就継室)考. 広島女子大学国際文化学部紀要. 2003. 11,105-118
more... MISC (10): -
'Zen' practice of the author of Takemukiga-ki under the direction of an elder of Ry(]E87C7[)ju-ji. Kokugo Kokubun. 2000. 69. 12. 16-31
'Jodo' doctrine in Takemukiga-Ki. Hiroshimajoshidaikokubun. 1999. 16. 13-29
The Expression of the Poems in Takemukiga-ki-In comparison with tanka-poets she associated with-. 1999. 7. 133-148
The Poems in the First Volume of Takemukiga-ki-On the poems exchanged with Kinmune-. 1999. 2. 118-134
The function of the poems in the text structure of ┣DBTAKEMUKI-GA-KI(/)-┫DB -especially on the description of the end of the year of Genko-gannen. 1998. 1. 102-118
more... Books (5): - 『竹むきが記』研究
笠間書院 2004
- 七巻本『拾玉集』(架蔵本)翻刻(共著)
渓水社 1993
- A Reprint of 7 volume version of ┣DBShyugiyoku-shyu(/)-┫DB
- 安芸門徒における「親鸞絵伝」-その予備的調査(共著)
説話伝承の日本・アジア・世界所収 1983
- Acceptance of "The pictorial biography of Shinran" in "Aki Buddhists"
Folklore in Japan, Asia and the world 1983
Lectures and oral presentations (13): -
(県立広島大学 2016)
(県立広島大学 2015)
(龍谷学会学術講演会 2010)
(広島市八幡公民館 2008)
more... Works (2): -
1987 -
A book review 「Women of "HIROSHIMA"」
1987 -
Education (4): - - 2000 Hiroshima Jogakuin University
- - 2000 Hiroshima Jogakuin University Graduate School, Division of Language and Culture
- - 1977 Hiroshima prefectural Women's University
- - 1977 Hiroshima prefectural Women's University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2): - (BLANK) (Hiroshima Jogakuin University)
- (BLANK) (Hiroshima Jogakuin University)
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 広島女子大学国文学会
, 仏教文学会
, 中世文学会
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