J-GLOBAL ID:200901050395146713
Update date: Sep. 05, 2022 Akasaki Mayumi
アカサキ マユミ | Akasaki Mayumi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research keywords (2):
, Home Economics Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): MISC (24): -
Akasaki Mayumi, Ikeda Madoka, Suzuki Akiko. On ""MANABI(Learning)"" of the Studies in the Cooking Practices (No.4) : Affects of the Personality in the Group on the cooking Oparation. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University. Curriculum and teaching. 2000. 35. 35. 79-93
Suzuki Akiko, Ikeda Madoka, Akasaki Mayumi. On ""MANABI(learning)"" of the Studies in the Cooking Practices (No.3) : The Relation between the Individual Objectives, Works and the Personality. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University. Curriculum and teaching. 2000. 35. 35. 67-78
Suzuki Akiko, Ikeda Mariko, Akasaki Mayumi. On ""MANABI(learning)""of the Students in the Cooking Practices (No.2) : The Actual Situation and the Awareness in the Cooking Operation. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University. Curriculum and teaching. 2000. 34. 34. 67-77
大学生の調理実習における学びに関する研究(第1報)-目標を設定することについて-(共著). 長崎大学教育学部紀要 教科教育学. 2000. 34. 53-65
On "MANABI (Learning)"of the Students in the Cooking Practices (No. 3)-The Relation between of Indivisual Objectives, Works and the Personality-. Bulletin of Faculty of Education. Nagasaki University Curriculum and Teaching. 2000. 35. 67-78
more... Books (3): - 家庭科教師の実践力(共著)
建帛社 2000
- 生活力を育てる家庭科授業(共著)
梓出版社 1997
- 教職科学講座24 家政教育学(共著)
福村出版 1990
Professional career (1): Committee career (1): - 1999 - 2001 日本家庭科教育学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本教育方法学会
, 日本家政学会
, 日本教科教育学会
, 日本家庭科教育学会
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