2015 - 2018 Numerical analysis of interference and transport characteristics in bioconvection and thermal convection generated by chemotactic bacteria
2013 - 2016 木質バイオマスエネルギーを活用したモデル地域づくり推進事業
2012 - 2016 溶射用超硬質皮膜形成能を有するレアメタルレス新規鉄基合金の開発
2012 - 2015 Numerical analysis of effects of gravity modulation on bioconvection generated by chemotactic bacteria in microgravity environments
Study on Combustion Characteristics of Mixture with Concentration Fluctuation
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Papers (36):
Yosuke SUENAGA, Hideki YANAOKA. Combustion performance of n-butane-fueled mesoscale annular combustor. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology. 2024. 19. 1. 1-13
Keisuke FUJIMURA, Yosuke SUENAGA, Hideki YANAOKA. Effects of fuel nozzle shape on soot emission of coflow diffusion flames. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2023. 89. 919
Yosuke Suenaga, Hideki Yanaoka. Combustion Characteristics and Performance Evaluation of Modified Mesoscale Annular Combustor. Combustion Science and Technology. 2022. 196. 11. 1768-1789
SUENAGA Yosuke, YANAOKA Hideki, KIKUCHI Mamoru, KIKUCHI Toshimasa. Characteristics of response of a premixed wall-stagnation flame to sinusoidal oscillation of equivalence ratio. The 29th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena(ISTP29). 2018