J-GLOBAL ID:200901052204012359
Update date: Jul. 16, 2024 Tatarazako Norihisa
タタラザコ ノリヒサ | Tatarazako Norihisa
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): Research field (4):
Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
, Ecology and environmental science
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords (5):
, バイオアッセイ
, 環境毒性学
, Environmental Hormone
, Environmental Toxicology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2019 - 2024 マイクロカプセルを介した化学物質の新たな環境動態の解明と評価
- 2019 - 2022 化学物質の有害性を予測する新規バイオマーカーの探索とその応用
- 2017 - 2020 合成香料を内包したマイクロカプセルが水界生態系に与える影響の検証
- 2013 - 2016 Variation of whole toxicity spectrum of riverwater samples collected in two different watershed areas and regression analysis between the toxicity and the selected basic water quality items
- 2010 - 2011 Development of a Novel Method to Evaluate the Contamination by Chemical Substances in a Watershed Area on the Basis of Whole Toxicity for Aquatic Organisms
- 2006 - 2008 Earthquake Resistant Reinforcement Method of Gravity Type Structures using Tire Derived Geomaterials
- バイオアッセイを用いた環境リスク評価
- メダカにより環境ホルモン化学物質のスクリーニングを行っている、 甲殻類の内分泌撹乱に関する研究
- Study of Environmental Endocrine disrupting chemicals with Japanese Medaka,Study of Environmental Endocrine disrupting chemicals with crustacean
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Papers (122): -
Yoshifumi Horie, Nobuhiro Kanazawa, Chiho Takahashi, Norihisa Tatarazako, Taisen Iguchi. Gonadal Soma-Derived Factor Expression is a Potential Biomarker for Predicting the Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals on Gonadal Differentiation in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias Latipes). Environmental toxicology and chemistry. 2022
Kenji Toyota, Haruna Watanabe, Masashi Hirano, Ryoko Abe, Hitoshi Miyakawa, You Song, Tomomi Sato, Shinichi Miyagawa, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Hiroshi Yamamoto, et al. Juvenile hormone synthesis and signaling disruption triggering male offspring induction and population decline in cladocerans (water flea): Review and adverse outcome pathway development. Aquatic Toxicology. 2022. 243. 106058-106058
Yukio Kawashima, Yuta Onishi, Norihisa Tatarazako, Hirotaka Yamamoto, Masaaki Koshio, Tomohiro Oka, Yoshifumi Horie, Haruna Watanabe, Takashi Nakamoto, Jun Yamamoto, et al. Summary of 17 chemicals evaluated by OECD TG229 using Japanese Medaka, Oryzias latipes in EXTEND 2016. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. 2021. 42. 5. 750-777
Yuta Onishi, Norihisa Tatarazako, Masaaki Koshio, Tetsuro Okamura, Haruna Watanabe, Atsushi Sawai, Jun Yamamoto, Hidenori Ishikawa, Tomomi Sato, Yukio Kawashima, et al. Summary of reference chemicals evaluated by the fish short-term reproduction assay, OECD TG229, using Japanese Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. 2021. 41. 8. 1200-1221
Kazune Tani, Haruna Watanabe, Mana Noguchi, Kyoshiro Hiki, Takahiro Yamagishi, Norihisa Tatarazako, Hiroshi Yamamoto. Toxicity assessment of typical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to Daphnia magna and Hyalella azteca in water-only and sediment-water exposure systems. Science of The Total Environment. 2021. 784. 147156-147156
more... MISC (220): -
鑪迫典久, 岡崎友紀代, 寺崎正紀, 石橋弘志, 堀江好文, 山岸隆博, 山室真澄. Concerns of environmental risks caused by chemical substances contained in microcapsules. 環境化学討論会要旨集(CD-ROM). 2021. 29th
- 鑪迫典久, 笠原晴海, ANH Hoang Quoc, 高橋真, 岡崎友紀代, 新野竜大. マイクロプラスチックの魚類へのベクター効果に関する研究(1). 環境化学討論会要旨集(CD-ROM). 2019. 28th. ROMBUNNO.3A-02
- 長江真樹, 森脇円華, 山城加奈子, 飯野大輔, 加島未奈子, 高尾雄二, 鑪迫典久, 井口泰泉. 日本に棲息する2種メダカ(O.latipesおよびO.sakaizumii)の性ホルモン応答性比較. 日本内分泌かく乱化学物質学会研究発表会要旨集. 2018. 21st. 71
The Current Issues and the Future Prospects about the Ecological Risk Assessment in Japan and Overseas. 2018. 41. 9. 300-304
- 野原恵子, 岡村和幸, 鈴木武博, 鑪迫典久, 佐野友春. 環境化学物質の「多世代にわたる後発影響」の機序に関する研究 平成25~27年度. 国立環境研究所研究プロジェクト報告 SR(Web). 2018. 126. WEB ONLY
more... Books (2): - 生物応答を用いた排水評価・管理手法の国内外最新動向 : 海外の運用事例から日本版WET導入の動き・対策まで
エヌ・ティー・エス 2014 ISBN:9784860434007
- 今そこにあるリスク : 環境リスクの真実を語ろう : 独立行政法人国立環境研究所公開シンポジウム2009
国立環境研究所 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (118): -
A proposal for toxicity test guidelines: Establishment of test species usable for ecotoxicity testing
(Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology 2018)
(日本水環境学会シンポジウム講演集 2017)
(日本水環境学会シンポジウム講演集 2017)
(環境化学討論会要旨集(CD-ROM) 2017)
水系における難水溶性物質の生態影響試験のためのPassive Dosing手法による水溶液調製と濃度維持に関する検討
(環境化学討論会要旨集(CD-ROM) 2017)
more... Education (3): - The University of Tokyo
- University of Tokyo,Department of Wood Product,Faculty of Forest Chemical
- University of Tokyo Agriculture
Professional career (1): Work history (10): - 2003 - 国立環境研究所 主任研究員
- 2001 - 国立環境研究所 NIESフェロー
- 2001 - National Institute for Environmental Studies.NIES ferrow
- 1998 - 日本紙パルプ研究所 主任研究員
- 1998 - Japan Pulp and Paper Research Inc.Head Research
- 1991 - 日本紙パルプ研究所 研究員
- 1991 - Japan Pulp and Paper Research Inc.Researcher
- 1988 - 王子製紙中央研究所 研究員
- 1988 - Oji Pulp and Paper Company,Researcher
- National Institute for Environmental Studies Senior Researcher
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Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本毒性学会
, 水環境学会
, 環境ホルモン学会
, Water Research
, Society Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
, Japan Toxicology
, Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupter Research
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