J-GLOBAL ID:200901052273610047
Update date: Sep. 27, 2024 Yoshimoto Yasufumi
ヨシモト ヤスフミ | Yoshimoto Yasufumi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Thermal engineering
Research keywords (2):
, Internal Combustion Engine
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14): - 2017 - 2019 過給と排気再循環を併用する二元燃料ディーゼル燃焼に最適なバイオ燃料着火の条件
- 2013 - 2015 天然ガスを主燃料とする二元燃料ディーゼル機関の燃焼特性改善
- 2010 - 2012 バイオディーゼルを着火燃料とする二元燃料ディーゼル機関の特性
- 2005 - 2011 脂肪酸メチルエステルの燃焼研究
- 2005 - 2007 廃食油バイオディーゼル燃料の燃焼特性
- 1998 - 2004 植物油を燃料とするディーゼル機関の性能
- 2001 - 2003 ディーゼル機関への植物油燃料適用に関する研究
- 2001 - Characteristics of Vegetable Oil as Diesel Fuel Substitute
- 1998 - 1999 Influence of emulsified fuel combustion on soot formation process
- 1995 - 1997 ディーゼル機関への水乳化燃料の適用
- 1995 - 1997 Application of Water-in-Oil Emulsified Fuel in a Diesel Engine
- 1996 - 1996 Application of Emulsion Fuel to Marine Diesel Engines
- 1990 - 1990 ミクロ爆発の利用による水乳化重質燃料の高効率・低汚染燃焼に関する研究
- Performance of Diesel Engines Fueled by Vegetable Oils
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Papers (58): -
Yasufumi Yoshimoto, Eiji Kinoshita, Takeshi Otaka. Trade-off Improvements by Combining EGR and Supercharging Ignited by Next Generation Bio-alcohol Blended FAME Fuels in Diesel Dual Fuel Operation Using Natural Gas. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. 2020. 6. 1-16
Influence of the Kind of Fuel Kind in the Ignition of Diesel Dual Fuel Operation with Introduced Natural Gas Combining EGR and Supercharging. SAE Paper No. 2019-32-0581. 2019. 1-11
- 吉本康文, 木下英二, 大高武士. 天然ガス吸入ディーゼル二元燃料機関の燃焼特性に及ぼすEGRと機械式過給併用の効果. 日本機械学会論文集. 2018. 84. 867. 1-15
Yoshimoto Y., Enkhjargal T., Kinoshita E., Otaka T. Combustion Improvements by C4/C5 Bio-alcohol Isomer Blended Fuels Combined with Supercharging and EGR in a Diesel Engine. 2018 International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines Engineering (ICICEE 2018). 2018. 12. 10. 1-9
YOSHIMOTO Yasufumi, KINOSHITA Eiji, OTAKA Takeshi. Influence of Boost Pressure on the Combustion Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Ignited by Biofuels with Natural Gas. The Ninth International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advances Engine Systems; COMODIA 2017. 2017. 1-8
more... MISC (58): -
SUN Xiaoyu, YOSHIMOTO Yasufumi, KINOSHITA Eiji, FUSHIMI Kazuyo. 1317 Influence of boost pressure and EGR ratio on biodiesel combustion. 2016. 2016. 53. "1317-1"-"1317-4"
FUSHIMI Kazuyo, KUKISAKI Masashi, OTAKA Takeshi, KINOSHITA Eiji, YOSHIMOTO Yasufumi. 3C4 Diesel Combustion of Palm Oil 2-Butyl Ester. 2014. 2014. "3C4-1"-"3C4-2"
SHIMOMUGI Kengo, FURUKAWA Nozomi, OTAKA Takeshi, KINOSHITA Eiji, YOSHIMOTO Yasufumi. G0710405 Combustion Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine with Coconut Oil Methyl Ester and Low-Calorie Gas. Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2014. 2014. "G0710405-1"-"G0710405-5"
YAMADA Masayuki, YOSHIMOTO Yasufumi, KINOSHITA Eiji, OTAKA Takeshi. G0710201 Influence of Supercharging on Biodiesel Combustion with a DI Diesel Engine. Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2014. 2014. "G0710201-1"-"G0710201-4"
YAMADA Masayuki, YOSHIMOTO Yasufumi, KINOSHITA Eiji. 914 Influence of Supercharging on the Combustion Characteristics with a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine. 2014. 2014. 51. "914-1"-"914-2"
more... Books (2): - 初めて学ぶエンジン技術と機械工学
コロナ社 2007
- エンジン -熱と流れの工学-
産業図書 2005
Education (4): - - 1980 Muroran Institute of Technology
- - 1980 Muroran Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1977 Muroran Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
- - 1977 Muroran Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2): Work history (5): - 2004 - - 新潟工科大学教授
- 1983 - 1995 Joetsu University of Education
- 1983 - 1995 Joetsu University of Education, Research Assistant
- 1995 - - 新潟工科大学助教授
- 1995 - - Niigata Institute of Technology, Associate Professor
Committee career (1): Awards (2): - 1998 - 日本舶用機関学会論文賞
- 1994 - 日本舶用機関学会奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
SAE(The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space)
, 日本伝熱学会
, 日本産業技術教育学会
, 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
, 自動車技術会
, 日本機械学会
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