Tak Niimura and Kazuhiro Ozawa. Role of Advanced Information Technology for Restructured Electric Power Industry. International Workshop on Sustainable Energy and Materials, IWSEM2006. 2006. 1-37-1-40
Noriaki Sakamoto, Kazuhiro Ozawa, and Tak Niimura. Grid Computing Solutions for Artificial Neural Network-based Electricity Market Forecasts. 2006 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. 2006. Paper ID1581-+
Fuzzy Auto Regression Model. Proceedings of Taiwan-Japan Symposium 2005 On Intelligent Technologies & Innovational Computing. 2005. 96-99
, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
, 計測自動制御学会会員
, 日本ファジィ学会関東支部
, 日本ファジィ学会ファジィ制御研究会
, 日本ファジィ学会学会賞選考委員会委員
, 日本ファジィ学会事業委員会委員