J-GLOBAL ID:200901053493831539
Update date: Sep. 29, 2022 Inoue Masahiro
イノウエ マサヒロ | Inoue Masahiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
Developmental dentistry
, Surgical dentistry
, Prosthodontics
Research keywords (4):
, 口腔外科学
, Oral Implantology
, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2000 - 歯科インプラントと矯正力に対する研究
MISC (24): Education (4): - - 1981 Osaka Dental University
- - 1981 Osaka Dental University Graduate School, Division of Dental Research Oral Surgery
- - 1977 Osaka Dental University Faculty of Dentistry
- - 1977 Osaka Dental University Faculty of Dentistry
Professional career (1): - Doctor(Oral Surgery) (Osaka Dental University)
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (6):
, 小児口腔外科学会
, 日本口腔インプラント学会
, 大阪歯科学会
, 日本歯科放射線学会
, 日本口腔外科学会
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