Research field (4):
Experimental psychology
, Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
, Cognitive sciences
Research keywords (2):
human factors psychology
, applied cognitive psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Study on Human Error and Human Factors
Study on Attention and Memory in Psychology
Papers (76):
Kanda K. Preliminary examination of implicit cognition of colors indicating power on / off status. 2020
Kanda K. Relationship between subjective impressions of evacuation calls during disasters and level of disaster prevention consciousness. 2019
Kanda K. Subjective impressions of evacuation calls during disasters. 2018
K.Kanda. Effects of layout of station names on subjective impressions of railway map with a single vertical line. Program of 31st International Congress of Psychology. 2017. 269
Human Interface Society
, 日本経営工学会
, Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology
, The Japanese Association of Traffic Psychology
, Japanese Cognitive Science Society
, Japan Ergonomics Society
, 日本心理学会