J-GLOBAL ID:200901053732039877
Update date: Nov. 11, 2023 Tutu Hiroki
ツツ ヒロキ | Tutu Hiroki
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www-np.acs.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~tutu/ Research field (1):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords (2):
, Statistical physics in non-equilibrium systems
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2004 - 磁性的秩序を制御するための時間遅れフィードバック法
Papers (23): -
Hiroki Tutu. Planetary Rotary Ratchets of a Rigid Roller Held within a Soft Rotor Housing, and Its Robust Rotation Transmission Mechanism. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2022. 91. 4
Hiroki Tutu, Katsuya Ouchi, Takehiko Horita. Performance optimization in two-dimensional Brownian rotary ratchet models. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2017. 95. 6. 062103-1-062103-23
Hiroki Tutu, Takehiko Horita, Katsuya Ouchi. Performance Estimation for Two-Dimensional Brownian Rotary Ratchet Systems. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2015. 84. 4. 044004-044004
- Hiroki Tutu, Soichiro Nagata. Robust unidirectional rotation in three-tooth Brownian rotary ratchet systems. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2013. 87. 2
- Hiroki Tutu, Yuta Hoshino. Design of two-tooth unidirectional rotary-ratchet molecular machines driven by linearly polarized ac fields. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2011. 84. 6
more... MISC (5): -
Horita T., Tutu H., Ouchi K. 22pBL-4 Phase response curve estimation by Gaussian process input. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2015. 70. 3026-3026
Frequency Adaptation in a Controlled Stochastic Resonance Utilizing Delayed Feedback Method :. 2011. 96. 1. 87-88
FUJISAKA H., TUTU H. Nonlinear Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Spin Systems. Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan. 2001. 25. 9. 1471-1477
Fujisaka H., Tutu H. New statistical law in 2D critical Ising spin system. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2001. 56. 1. 227-227
Tutu H. Aggregation process of slime mould amoebae : from streaming pattern to mound formation. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2001. 56. 1. 272-272
Lectures and oral presentations (35): -
(第12回分子モーター討論会 2023)
On effects on dynamics of rotor's asymmetry in the Wankel type soft rotary ratchet modelsOn effects on dynamics of rotor's asymmetry in the Wankel type soft rotary ratchet models
Study on energy conversion efficiency in rotary ratchet models driven by nonlinear forces
Study on nearly planetary motion in rotary ratchet models driven by nonlinear forces
Leverage effects of a rotary ratchet model for biological motors
more... Education (3): - - 1998 Kyushu University
- - 1998 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1992 Kagoshima University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): Work history (2): - 1998 - - 京都大学大学院情報学研究科 助手
- 1998 - - Research Associate, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page