J-GLOBAL ID:200901053786274464
Update date: Sep. 06, 2024 KOIZUMI Take-aki
コイズミ タケアキ | KOIZUMI Take-aki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Polymer chemistry
, Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research keywords (2):
Coordination Chemistry Organometallic Chemistry Polymer Chemistry
, 錯体化学 有機金属化学 高分子合成
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2021 - 2024 再生可能な有機ヒドリドを創出しうる錯体触媒の開発と高機能化
- 2018 - 2021 Development of high performance electroreduction catalyst by activation of renewable organic hydride
- 2014 - 2018 Development of new electrocatalyst for malti-electron reduction of carbon monoxide using electrochemically renewable hydride
- 2015 - 2017 アンチリジンを含むポリマーを元素ブロックとする超分子二次元シートの創製と機能開発
- 2013 - 2016 アンチリジンを含む元素ブロックを用いる機能性超分子ポリマーの創製
- 2011 - 2013 Development of high-functional electro-oxidation catalyst using a nickel-pincder complex
- 2008 - 2009 Construction of highly active reaction fields produced by electrochemical oxidation of platinum complexes bearing a cyclometalated ligand
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Papers (85): -
Hideki Hayashi, Tadashi Ogawa, Hiroshi Seno, Take-aki Koizumi. Functionalization of Phenothiazine Derivatives by Ammonium Bridge. HETEROCYCLES. 2023. 106. 6. 1003-1003
Makoto Tanabe, Yu Nakamura, Taka-aki Niwa, Masaru Sakai, Akira Kaneko, Hiroyuki Toi, Kazuki Okuma, Yoshitaka Tsuchido, Take-aki Koizumi, Kohtaro Osakada, et al. Di- and Trinuclear Complexes of Pd(0) and Pt(0) with Bridging Silylene Ligands: Structures with a Coordinatively Unsaturated Metal Center and Their Reactions with Alkynes. ORGANOMETALLICS. 2022
Ryota Abe, Yoshitaka Tsuchido, Tomohito Ide, Take-aki Koizumi, Kohtaro Osakada. Digold(I) Thianthrenyl Complexes. Effect of Diphosphine Ligands on Molecular Structures in the Solid State and in Solution. ACS OMEGA. 2022. 7. 11. 9594-9601
Hideki Hayashi, Tadashi Ogawa, Take-aki Koizumi. Chemical Modifications of N,N-Dimethylalkylamino-Substituted 2-Chlorophenothiazine and Their Electrochemical Behavior. HETEROCYCLES. 2022. 104. 4. 689-689
Hideki Hayashi, Erika Tsuda, Take-aki Koizumi. Preparation and Electrochemical Behavior of Quinoxaline-Bridged Diphenylamines. ChemistrySelect. 2021. 6. 22. 5441-5445
more... MISC (92): -
小泉武昭, 田中君弥, 井手智仁, 土戸良高, 小坂田耕太郎. 低原子価パラジウムクラスター錯体を用いたジスルフィド類の活性化. 中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会講演予稿集. 2021. 52nd (CD-ROM)
- 林英樹, 小川匡之, 小泉武昭. Functionalization of phenothiazine derivatives by dibromofluorene. 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2020. 100th
- 民秋均, 山本竜太郎, 木下雄介, 小泉武昭, 田中晃二, 田中晃二. NAD(H)機能を有する新規ルテニウム錯体の合成と酸化還元挙動. 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2019. 99th
- 林英樹, 小川匡之, 小泉武昭. フェノチアジン誘導体のアンモニウム架橋による機能化. 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2019. 99th
- 林英樹, 小泉武昭. フェナザシリン含有非π共役ポリマーの合成と性質. 中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会講演予稿集. 2019. 50th
more... Education (3): - 1995 - 1998 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 1993 - 1995 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 1989 - 1993 Ibaraki University
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Work history (12): - 2021/04 - 現在 Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology
- 2020/11 - 2021/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Materials and Chemical Technology
- 2020/03 - 2020/10 Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 2019/10 - 2020/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 2019/08 - 2019/09 Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science Researcher
- 2016/04 - 2019/07 Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science Asociate Professor
- 2007/08 - 2016/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory Asociate Professor
- 2007/04 - 2007/07 Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory Assistant Professor
- 2005/05 - 2007/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory Assistant Professor
- 2001 - 2005 科学技術振興機構 CREST研究員
- 1998 - 2001 理化学研究所 基礎科学特別研究員
- 1997 - 1998 日本学術振興会 特別研究員
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 高分子学会
, 錯体化学会
, 日本化学会
, 日本希土類学会
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