2020 - 2023 Development of novel transmission blocking vaccine targeting microgamete surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum
2019 - 2023 三日熱マラリア伝搬阻止効果のある患者血漿を用いた新規ワクチン候補抗原の探索
2019 - 2022 Investigation of the mechanisms of RAMA on secretory protein trafficking in sporozoites
2018 - 2020 Do malaria parasites control host cells via LISP2 protein translocated to the host nuclei?
2016 - 2019 Assessment of P. vivax transmission-blocking activity of novel vaccine candidate (PvGs24)
2016 - 2019 Elucidation of the mechanisms of RON3 during sporozoites invasion of hepatocytes
2015 - 2018 Development of novel P. falciparum malaria transmission-blocking vaccine targeted against Pf75
2014 - 2017 Evaluation of novel transmission blocking vaccine antigen using infected patient's blood from endemic area
2013 - 2015 The functional analysis of Plasmodium male gametocyte/gamete specific protease
2012 - 2015 Rhoptry proteins are involved in sporozoite invasion of the mosquito salivary gland
2010 - 2012 Functional analyses of sporozoite rhoptry proteins in Plasmodium
2010 - 2012 Development of the detection method for Plasmodium vivax hypnozoites
2009 - 2011 Screening of sporozoite receptor molecule(s) on hepatocytes
2009 - 2010 マラリア原虫の肝臓ステージ後期の寄生機序の解明
2005 - 2007 Studies on the Mechanisms of Stage specific Host Infection in Malarial Parasite
2006 - 2006 マラリア原虫の運動・侵入の際のシグナル伝達に関わる植物型リン酸化酵素の解析
2004 - 2005 Infecton Mechanisms of Malarail Parasite Sporozoites to the Liver Cells
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Papers (62):
Frederick Ofosu Appiah, Samiratu Mahazu, Isaac Prah, Taira Kawamura, Yusuke Ota, Yohei Nishikawa, Mitsunori Yoshida, Masato Suzuki, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Toshihiko Suzuki, et al. Emergence of Carbapenem-Resistant blaPOM-1 Harboring Pseudomonas otitidis Isolated from River Water in Ghana. Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland). 2025. 14. 1
Ayaka Omoda, Konomi Matsumoto, Ken-Ichi Yoshino, Mayumi Tachibana, Takafumi Tsuboi, Motomi Torii, Tomoko Ishino, Hideyuki Iriko. Skeleton binding protein 1 localizes to the Maurer's cleft and interacts with PfHSP70-1 and PfHSP70-x in Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte-infected erythrocytes. Parasitology international. 2024. 100. 102864-102864
Mayumi Tachibana, Minami Baba, Hideyuki Iriko, Naoaki Shinzawa, Motomi Torii, Tomoko Ishino. Identification of a novel protein localized to the crystalloid of the plasmodium ookinete. Parasitology international. 2024. 101. 102892-102892
Samiratu Mahazu, Isaac Prah, Yusuke Ota, Takaya Hayashi, Masato Suzuki, Mitsunori Yoshida, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Yukihiro Akeda, Toshihiko Suzuki, Tomoko Ishino, et al. Colistin Resistance Mediated by Mcr-3-Related Phosphoethanolamine Transferase Genes in Aeromonas Species Isolated from Aquatic Environments in Avaga and Pakro Communities in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Infection and drug resistance. 2024. 17. 3011-3023
Nawapol Kunkeaw, Wang Nguitragool, Eizo Takashima, Niwat Kangwanrangsan, Hiromi Muramatsu, Mayumi Tachibana, Tomoko Ishino, Paulo J C Lin, Ying K Tam, Sathit Pichyangkul, et al. A Pvs25 mRNA vaccine induces complete and durable transmission-blocking immunity to Plasmodium vivax. NPJ vaccines. 2023. 8. 1. 187-187
Mayumi Tachibana, Kazutoyo Miura, Eizo Takahima, Masayuki Morita, Hikaru Nagaoka, Luwen Zhou, Carole A. Long, C. Richter King, Motomi Torii, Takafumi Tsuboi, et al. SCREENING FOR CANDIDATE DOMAINS WITHIN PFS230 THAT ELICIT TRANSMISSION-BLOCKING ANTIBODY RESPONSE. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE. 2019. 101. 527-527
2016/02 - Molecular Approach to Malaria 2016 Best oral presentation award Rhoptry proteins have important roles during sporozoite invasion of mosquito salivary glands or mammalian hepatocytes
2012/02 - Molecular Approaches to Malaria 2012 Poster prize
2007/03 - 日本寄生虫学会 奨励賞
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