J-GLOBAL ID:200901054761546806
Update date: Nov. 29, 2005 Kang Sangjung
カン サンジュン | Kang Sangjung
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
, History of thought
, Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
Research keywords (6):
, メディア・ポリティックスの研究
, 文化の政治学
, Intellectual History of Japanese Culture
, Study on Media-politics
, Cultural Politics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - グローバリゼーションとナショナル・ナディア
- 東アジアにおける越境的ネットワーク
- メディアにおける「他者」の表象
- 日本のオリエンタリズムとアジアのイナージ
- Globalization and National media
- Transnational Network in Eastasia
- Representation of "Otherness" in Media
- Japanese Orientalism and Imaje of Asia
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Books (8): - グローバル化の遠近法
岩波書店 2001
- Perspectives of Globalization
Iwanami Shoten 2001
- オリエンタリズムの彼方へ
岩波書房 1996
- Beyond Orientalism
Iwanami-Press 1996
- ふたつの戦後と日本
三一書房 1995
more... Works (2): -
2000 -
Transnational Network in Eastasia
2000 -
Education (4): - - 1979 Waseda University
- - 1979 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Law and Politics
- - 1974 Waseda University
- - 1974 Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 1988 - 1996 International Christian University
- 1988 - 1996 International Christian University, Associate Professor
- 1981 - 1988 Meiji Gakuin University
- 1981 - 1988 Meiji Gakuin University, lecturer
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page