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J-GLOBAL ID:200901055068781458   Update date: Jun. 22, 2021

Nakamura Isamu

ナカムラ イサム | Nakamura Isamu
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://people.nifs-k.ac.jp/nakamura
Research field  (1): Sports science
Research keywords  (4): 体力トレーニング ,  柔道 ,  fitness training ,  Judo
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 柔道映像データベースの効果的活用法
  • 柔道競技者の体力トレーニング
  • Fitness training for Judo athletes
Papers (9):
  • イオアニス G.・フダラキス, 小原 侑己, 山口 大貴, 中村 勇, 山本 正嘉. 柔道競技を想定して考案した「クロスフィット」トレーニングの効果 大学女子柔道選手への適用事例. Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sport. 2020. 32. 4. 243-254
  • FUJITA Eiji, YASUKOUCHI Haruhiko, AKAMINE Takuya, NAGASHIMA Mioko, HAMADA Hatsuyuki, NAKAMURA Isamu, OYAMADA Kazuyuki, NOGUCHI Hiroyuki, MATSUZAKI Moritoshi, MORIZAKI Yurie. Change in body composition in collegiate male judo athletes following weight reduction and recovery. Research Journal of Budo. 2019. 52. 1. 15-22
  • FUJITA Eiji, YASUKOUCHI Haruhiko, HAMADA Hatsuyuki, AKAMINE Takuya, NAGASHIMA Mioko, NAKAMURA Isamu, OYAMADA Kazuyuki, NOGUCHI Hiroyuki, MATSUZAKI Moritoshi, MORIZAKI Yurie. Relationship of fat free mass index and fat mass index to body mass in Japanese female college judo players. Research Journal of Budo. 2019. 51. 3. 173-179
  • FUJITA Eiji, HAMADA Hatsuyuki, NAKAMURA Isamu, OYAMADA Kazuyuki, NOGUCHI Hiroyuki, MATSUZAKI Moritoshi, MORIZAKI Yurie, YASUKOUCHI Haruhiko. Relationship of fat free mass index and fat mass index to body mass in male college judo players. Research Journal of Budo. 2018. 50. 3. 159-164
  • Sakamoto Michito, Maekawa Naoya, Ozawa Yuji, Sato Shinichiro, Yokoyama Takayuki, Nakamura Isamu, Ishii Takanori, Ishikawa Yoshihisa, Shoda Hidekazu, Hayashi Hironori. The analysis of competition contents associated with rule changes : Aimed at All Japan Judo Championship and All Japan Women Judo Championship (2010・2011). 2017. 47. 2. 1-10
MISC (12):
Education (4):
  • - 1997 University of Tsukuba Master's Program in Health and Sport Sciences
  • - 1997 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Physical Education
  • - 1994 カリフォルニア州立大学 体育学部
  • - 1994 California State University Faculty of Physical Education
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本武道学会 ,  日本体力医学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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