J-GLOBAL ID:200901055269790994
Update date: Apr. 11, 2023
Wang Jinfang
ワン ジンファン | Wang Jinfang
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Statistical science
Research keywords (6):
, 機械学習
, 一般化線形モデル
, ベイズ予測
, ブートストラップ
, 形式的証明
Papers (1):
Hiroyuki Saeki, Toshiro Tango, Jinfang Wang. Statistical inference for noninferiority of difference in proportions of clustered matched-pair data from multiple raters. JOURNAL OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS. 2017. 27. 1. 70-83
MISC (5):
JF Wang. Quadratic artificial likelihood functions using estimating functions. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS. 2006. 33. 2. 379-390
計算統計I --- 確率計算の新しい手法 (共著). 岩波書店. 2003
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Estimating Equations (共著). Oxford University Press. 2003
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Estimating Equations (jointly worked). Oxford University Press. 2003
Quadratic artificial likelihood functions using estimating functions
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. (Chiba University)
Work history (1):
Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology Chiba University
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 関東甲信越英語教育学会
, 日本計算機統計学会
, The Biometric Society
, 日本統計学会
, 日本数学会
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