Shoji Itoh. Improvement of preconditioned bi-Lanczos-type algorithms with residual norm minimization for the stable solution of systems of linear equations. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2022. 39. 1. 19-74
Shoji Itoh, Masaaki Sugihara. Changing over stopping criterion for stable solving nonsymmetric linear equations by preconditioned conjugate gradient squared method. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2020. 102. 1-9
Shoji Itoh, Masaaki Sugihara. Structure of the polynomials in preconditioned BiCG algorithms and the switching direction of preconditioned systems. arXiv. 2020. arXiv:1603.00175. 1-21
Shoji Itoh, Masaaki Sugihara. Structure of the preconditioned system in various preconditioned conjugate gradient squared algorithms. Results in Applied Mathematics. 2019. 3. 100008. 1-20
Shoji Itoh, Masaaki Sugihara. Formulation of a Preconditioned Algorithm for the Conjugate Gradient Squared Method in Accordance with Its Logical Structure. Applied Mathematics. 2015. 06. 08. 1389-1406
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