J-GLOBAL ID:200901055394078414
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Kobayashi Takashi
コバヤシ タカシ | Kobayashi Takashi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www.res.kutc.kansai-u.ac.jp/~kobayasi/ Research field (4):
Communication and network engineering
, Computer systems
, Intelligent informatics
, Information security
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2018 - 2021 低計算資源で実現可能なセンサ機器認証技術の研究開発
- 1998 - 2000 Development of Structural Design System friendly to Environments Using Artificial Life Technology
- 1996 - 1997 Study on Fuzzy Control of Structural Vibration by Genetic Algorithms and Chaos Theory
- 1993 - 1994 Application of Fuzzy Finite Element Method to Bridge Construction Management
Papers (57): -
Ryosuke NATORI, Takashi NAKAHARA, Yusuke HATA, Tatsuya MAEDA, Yuto ONISI, Takashi KOBAYASHI. DOM-Based XSS Detection System for Developers. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. 2023. 2023-CSEC-102. 16. 1-6
Yusuke HATA, Takashi NAKAHARA, Ryosuke NATORI, Tatsuya MAEDA, Takashi KOBAYASHI. Proposal for a Dataset to Evaluate the Detection Accuracy of DOM-Based XSS Vulnerability Detection Systems. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. 2023. 2023-CSEC-102. 15. 1-6
Zhao Yumbo, Takashi KOBAYASHI. A Lightweight Method for Convolutional Neural Networks for DDoS Detection. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. 2023. 2023-IOT-60. 21. 1-6
Takashi KOBAYASHI, Koki SHIMADA, Hideyuki OTOSHI, Shingo ISA, Mizuki TAKEDA. The Effectiveness of Authentication Time in Detecting the SSH Bruteforce Attacks. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. 2022. 2022-IOT-58. 11. 1-6
Hideyuki OTOSHI, Takashi NAKAHARA, Yusuke HATA, Tatsuya MAEDA, Takashi KOBAYASHI. Proposal of integrated management and real-time visualization system for SSH server logs based on graph theory. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. 2022. 2022-IOT-58. 8. 1-8
more... MISC (2): -
Takashi Kobayashi. On the Building Methods of e-Local Government and Grid Computing. RCSS Discussion Paper Series. 2006. No. 45
Kobayashi Takashi. Pattern Recognition by Neural Network with the non-reaction element. Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference. 1997. 1997. 1. 29-29
Books (12): - Python教科書
工学社 2022 ISBN:9784777521876
- コンピュータ・ネットワーク入門 第2版
ムイスリ出版 2021 ISBN:9784896413052
- コンピュータ・ネットワーク入門【改訂版】
ムイスリ出版 2017
- コンピュータ・ネットワーク入門
ムイスリ出版 2011 ISBN:9784896411751
- C PROGRAMMING(1999-2009)
more... Lectures and oral presentations (12): -
Drive-by Download攻撃解析における支援アプリケーションの開発
(Computer Security Symposium 2015 in Nagasaki 2015)
Drive-by Download攻撃を防御するProxyの実装
(Computer Security Symposium 2014 in Sapporo 2014)
Port Violation and Intrusion Detection System
(Freedom and Security in Computer Networks - The 3rd RCSS International Conference, The 1st PG Lab International Conference 2006)
(関西大学情報処理センターフォーラム2000 2001)
高槻キャンパスATM-LAN高速ネットワーク-KTEN計画 さあこれから-
(関西大学情報処理センターフォーラム1999 2000)
more... Education (3): - 2010 - 2015 Nara Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School, Division of Information Science Information Processing
- 1994 - 1994 Kansai University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1992 Kansai University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (2): - 1997/04/01 - 2004/03/31 Lecturer, Kansai University (Faculty of Informatics)
- 1994/04/01 - 1997/03/31 Assistant, Kansai University (Faculty of Informatics)
Association Membership(s) (5):
Institute of Electorical and Electronics Engineers
, Information Processing Society of Japan
, 人工知能学会
, 日本計算工学会
, Institute of Electoronics, Information and Communication Engineering
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