J-GLOBAL ID:200901056675481796
Update date: Sep. 25, 2022 Takagi Tomoyo
タカギ トモヨ | Takagi Tomoyo
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
, Business administration
Research keywords (5):
, 人的資源
, Employment and Labour Policy
, Human Resource Management
, Labour Sociology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 2009 - Social Justice and Social Inclusion
- 2005 - 2007 Comparative Analysis of Work-motivation
- 1999 - Employment of Elderly and Disabled People
- 社会的公正と社会的包摂
- 就業意欲と能力育成
- 高年齢者・障害者雇用
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MISC (8): -
Employment and Retirement of the Elderly: What Makes Them Initiate Self-Selection?. The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies. 2009. 51. No.589. 30-42
Current Labour Status and Future of Young People: From the Perspective of Entry and Exit Management. Ageing and Pension Investment. 2008. Vol.27. No.3. 34-41
Structural Reform of the Workforce in an Ageing Society: In What Type of Career Have Elderly Workers in Japan Been Employed?. Reforms of Economic Institutions and Public Attitudes in Japan and Germany (Symposium on Japanese and German Economies). 2007. 161-185
Management of Employment and Retirement for the Elderly: Friction Avoidance by Self-Selection and Replaced-Agreement. Organisational Science. 2007. Vol.41. No.2. 42-56
Age Discrimination and Employment of the Elderly. Annual Review of Labour Sociology. 2006. No.16. 101-126
more... Books (4): - Working of the Elderly (with A. Seike et al.), in Library: The Meaning of Working (eds. T. Tachibanaki and H. Satoh)
Minerva Publishing 2009
- Industry and Labour (with T. Kyogoku et al.), in Social Security and Economy (eds. H. Miyajima, S. Nishimura and T. Kyogoku)
University of Tokyo Press 2009
- Management of Employment for the Elderly: Training and Utilisation of lastingly Employable Human Resources
Nikkei Publishing 2008
- Age-free Society (with A. Seike et al.)
Japan Productivity Centre 2006
Lectures and oral presentations (9): -
Management of Employment for the Elderly
(Koushi-kai (Joint Committee of Government Office and Private Enterprise) 2009)
The Impact of Ageing on Personnel Management Systems
(Symposium, Japanese Society of Human Resource Management 2009)
Management of Employment for the Elderly
(Prize Winner Session of the Congress,The Academic Association for Organisational Science 2009)
Continued Employment of Older People: the Present Condition and Issues
(Chubu Productivity Centre 2008)
Management of Employment for the Elderly: Toward Training and Utilisation of Human Resources under the Long-term Viewpoint
(Promotion Seminar of Employment for the Elderly, Japan Auto Parts Industries Association 2008)
more... Works (3): -
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2009 - 2011
Health and Labour Sciences Research Grants: Research on Policy Planning and Evaluation, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
2005 - 2007
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2005 - 2007
Education (1): - Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, Division of Sociology
Professional career (2): - Master (Hitotsubashi University)
- Doctor (Hitotsubashi University)
Committee career (11): - 2009 - 日本労務学会 理事
- 2009 - Japan Society of Human Resource Management member of the board
- 2009 - - Member of the Board, Japanese Society of Human
- 2008 - 日本労働社会学会 幹事
- 2008 - The Japanese Association of Labour Sociology member of the board
- 2008 - - Member of the Board, The Japanese Association of
- 2006 - 2007 Member of the Advisory Group on Research of HRM for
- Resource Management
- Labour Sociology
- of Internal Affairs and Communications
- Elderly National Government Officials, The Ministry
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Awards (12): - 2009 - The Book Prize, The Japanese Association of Labour Sociology
- 2009 - The Book Prize, Japanese Society of Human Resource Management
- 2009 - The Book Prize, The Academic Association for Organisational Science
- 2009 - 23rd Okinaga Award, Labour Research Centre
- 2009 - 49th Economist Award, Mainichi Shimbun
- 2004 - The Prize of Research Articles on Labour, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- 日本労働社会学会賞
- 日本労務学会賞
- 組織学会高宮賞
- 冲永賞
- エコノミスト賞
- 労働関係論文優秀賞
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Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本労働社会学会
, 日本労務学会
, 組織学会
, Society for the Study of Social Policy
, The Japanese Association of Labour Sociology
, Japan Society of Human Resource Management
, The Academic Association for Organizational Science
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