J-GLOBAL ID:200901056824053352
Update date: Feb. 04, 2025 Shiraishi Yoshiro
シライシ ヨシロウ | Shiraishi Yoshiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Education - general
, Sociology
Research keywords (4):
, 教育社会学
, Sociology of Sports
, Sociology of Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - スポーツ部活動
- スポーツと人間形成
- 大学とスポーツ
- 生徒文化としてのスポーツ
- 学校組織の環境適応戦略
- Relation between Higher Education and Sport
- Sports Activities as Student Subculture
- School strategy for Adaptation
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MISC (11): -
学力向上政策とスポーツ課外活動-テキサス州におけるNo-pass,No-playの事例-. スポーツ社会学研究. 1993. 1. 1. 10
An Struggle on Education Reform and Sports Extra-curriculum activities : A case of Texas. Sociology of Sports. 1993. 1. 1. 10
「生活世界」としての学校-生徒キャリア形成の観点から-. 久留米大学文学部紀要人間科学科. 1992. 1. 1. 10
School life as Lebens welf. BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF LITERATURE, KURUME UNIVERSITY. 1992. 1. 1. 10
テキサス州における教育改革と課外活動参加制限. 久留米大学論叢. 1991. 40. 2
more... Books (3): - 家庭・地域との連携
現代学級経営の理論と実際 第一法規出版 1995
- Interaction between school Class management and Family, Community
- 社会システムとしての学校
教育の展望 1991
Works (1): Education (4): - - 1977 Kyushu University
- - 1977 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1972 Kyushu University
- - 1972 Kyushu University Faculty of Letters and Education
Professional career (1): Work history (6): - 1981 - 1989 Kurume University
- 1981 - 1989 Kurume University, Assistant Professor
- 1978 - 1981 Kurume University
- 1978 - 1981 Kurume University
- 1977 - 1978 Kyushu University
- 1977 - 1978 Kushu University, Research Assistant
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Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本スポーツ社会学会
, 日本教育社会学会
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