J-GLOBAL ID:200901057267013519
Update date: Jul. 07, 2009 Nagata Noriyuki
ナガタ ノリユキ | Nagata Noriyuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Nutrition and health science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): MISC (5): -
地域と連携した教育の充実ー大学・学部と附属養護学校の連携を中心にー(共著). 熊本大学 教育実践研究. 2004. 21. 127'
(共著). 2004. 21. 127'
- Estimated Frequency of urea cycle anzymipatheis in Japan. American Journal of Medical Geneties. 1991. 39
Retrospective survey of urea cycle disorders : Part2 ; Neurological autcome in Fourty-nine Japanes patints with urea cycle emzymopathis. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 1991. 400
Retrospective survey of Urea cycle disorders : Patr1 clinical and laboratory observations of thirty-two Japanese male patients with Ornithine Transcarbanyle deticiency. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 1991. 38
Education (2): - - 1973 Kumamoto University School of Medicine
- - 1973 Kumamoto University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1): Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page