J-GLOBAL ID:200901057421880352
Update date: May. 26, 2020
Furuta Maiko
フルタ マイコ | Furuta Maiko
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Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2004 - 2007 正常時とストレス応答時に機能する核ー細胞質間タンパク質輸送経路の同定とその制御機構の解析
Papers (7):
Makoto Kimura, Shingo Kose, Nobuaki Okumura, Kenichiro Imai, Maiko Furuta, Noriyuki Sakiyama, Kentaro Tomii, Paul Horton, Toshifumi Takao, Naoko Imamoto. Identification of Cargo Proteins Specific for the Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Carrier Transportin by Combination of an in Vitro Transport System and Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino Acids in Cell Culture (SILAC)-based Quantitative Proteomics. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS. 2013. 12. 1. 145-157
Shingo Kose, Maiko Furuta, Naoko Imamoto. Hikeshi, a Nuclear Import Carrier for Hsp70s, Protects Cells from Heat Shock-Induced Nuclear Damage. CELL. 2012. 149. 3. 578-589
Hyunju Ryu, Maiko Furuta, Donald Kirkpatrick, Steven P. Gygi, Yoshiaki Azuma. PIASy-dependent SUMOylation regulates DNA topoisomerase II alpha activity. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY. 2010. 191. 4. 783-794
S Kose, M Furuta, M Koike, Y Yoneda, N Imamoto. The 70-kD heat shock cognate protein (hsc70) facilitates the nuclear export of the import receptors. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY. 2005. 171. 1. 19-25
Y Kamikubo, N Sakaguchi, K Shikata, M Furuta, Y Miyamoto, N Imamoto, Y Yoneda, K Ogino, T Tachibana. Specific monoclonal antibody against nuclear import factor, importin alpha 1/Rch1. HYBRIDOMA AND HYBRIDOMICS. 2004. 23. 5. 301-304
MISC (5):
M Koike, S Kose, M Furuta, N Taniguchi, F Yokoya, Y Yoneda, N Imamoto. beta-catenin shows an overlapping sequence requirement but distinct molecular interactions for its bidirectional passage through nuclear pores. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2004. 279. 32. 34038-34047
M Furuta, S Kose, M Koike, T Shimi, Y Hiraoka, Y Yoneda, T Haraguchi, N Imamoto. Heat-shock induced nuclear retention and recycling inhibition of importin alpha. GENES TO CELLS. 2004. 9. 5. 429-441
Specific monoclonal antibody against nuclear import factor, importin alpha1/Rch1. Hybridoma andHybridomics. 2004
核ー細胞質間輸送の分子機構と輸送経路の多様性. 実験医学. 2003. 21. 1842
NISHIYAMA K, FURUTA M, TOKUDA H. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of SecE of a marine bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1998. 251. 3. 894-897
Books (1):
細胞核のダイナミクス 2004
Education (1):
- 2004 Osaka University
Work history (3):
2012/05 - 現在 National Institute of Genetics Division of Molecular Genetics Postdoctoral fellow
2007/03 - 2012/02 NIH NICHD Postdoctoral fellow
2004/05 - 2007/02 RIKEN
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 細胞生物学会
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