Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2009 - 2012 近江国坂田郡箕浦村井戸村氏とその家伝文書に関する基礎的研究
2007 - 2009 日本における地域と社会集団 -公共性の構造と変容-
2004 - 2006 共時的・通時的構造からみた地域
1993 - 1995 中・近世における近江の村落と信仰(絵系図の基礎的研究)
Papers (50):
KANDA Chisato. A Revpmderation of the Images of Ikkko-Ikki. The Journal of Japanese history. 2022. 235. 1-23
Chisato Kanda. Crucial roles played by Japanese Jesuit brothers in the misssionary work of the Society of Jesus in the 16th century. The Bulletin of the;Institute of;Human Science;Toyo University. 2022. 24. 248-227
Missionary waork of Japanese Lay Christians in the Sixteenth Century. 2022. 58. 49-80
Chisato Kanda. Some views on Echizen Ikko-Ikki suggested by the description of "Esshu-Gunki". Bulletin of Toyo University. 2019. 72(44). 45-73