J-GLOBAL ID:200901058428481875
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Ma Biao
マ ヒョウ | Ma Biao
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2017 - 2020 「王莽の「新」帝国を創建する標準化改革についての出土文物・文字による研究」
- 2015 - 2019 東アジアにおける都城と葬地の政治的・社会的関連に関する比較史的総合研究
- 2010 - 2014 Comparative history of capital system and capital in Japan and the Eeast Asia various countries
- 2011 - 2014 「出土文字・発掘資料による秦王朝各地方における禁苑の分布・構造及び意義に関する研究」
- 2012 - 2013 『秦帝国の領土経営:雲夢龍崗秦簡と始皇帝の禁苑』
- 2009 - 2011 Comparative Historical Studies on Imperial Capitals (Ducheng) and these Systems in Pre-modern East Asia
- 2007 - 2010 Comparison research of historical formation in the city and capital sites on the east Asian by GIS
- 2007 - 2009 Diachronic Research on Ancient Imperial Capitals in Japan : A Comparison of Capitals and Capital Systems in Various Countries in East Asia
- 2005 - 2008 「「雲夢龍崗秦簡」の注釈による秦史の再構成に関する研究」
- 2003 - 2005 Translation and Annotation of "Suanshu-shu" of the Zhangjiashan Slips of the Han Dynasty, and the research of significance in the history of mathematics
- 1997 - 1998 「日本における秦漢史研究の調査」
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Papers (114): -
Karine Chemla, Biao Ma. The Use of Volume in the Measurement of Grain in Early Imperial China. Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds(Springer Biographies). 2020. 239-279
MA Biao. A study on the reform of the“Feudal state”system in Wang Mang(王莽):The origin and characteristics of the“Fale name”(「空名」)reform. Journal of the Literary Society of Yamaguchi University. 2020. 70. 1-23
MA Biao. 馬彪. Journle Cross-Cultural. 2020. 14. 15-23
MA Biao. International Exchange of Miyakonojo History Studies over Gaya Ruins. 2019. 20
馬 彪. 王莽の長安都改造について. 河合文化教育研究所『研究論集』. 2019. 14. 103-117
more... MISC (1): -
Ma Biao. A study of Sufeng 素封 in the Qin-Han Dynasty. 2004. 63. 26-48
Books (27): - Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
- Classic Gate: History and Geography
Huaxia Press 2019
- 『亙古漆香-欣賞傳世漆藝 品味傳統文化』
中華書局 2018 ISBN:9789888512218
- 『中国史学史』(単訳著)
上海古籍出版社 2017 ISBN:9787532586400
- 『經典之門:新視野中華経典導読歴史地理篇』
中華書局 2017 ISBN:9789888463671
more... Lectures and oral presentations (29): -
The true value of Aoki style's “Meibutugaku(Exegetics)”
"Standardization" Reform in Ancient China
(Lecture at the School of Politics and History of Ningxia Normal University 2019)
Talk about "rules", "square" and "standardization"
(Lecture 26, "Education Lecture", Ningxia University 2019)
On the Research Methods of Social History
(Ningxia University "Lanshan Forum" Session 16 2019)
(内藤湖南研究会(河合塾京都校) 2019)
more... Professional career (1): Work history (8): - 2004/04 - 現在 YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate School of East Asian Studies Professor
- 2002/04 - 現在 YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Faculty of Humanities Professor
- 2003/10 - 2020/03 Waseda University Yangtze River Basin Culture Research Institute Visiting Researcher
- 2013/02 - 2013/03 French National Research Center Visiting Scholar
- 2012/02 - 2012/03 SPHERE (CNRS & University Paris Didoro (Paris 7)) Visiting Scholar
- 2010/02 - 2010/03 Paris Diderot University Visiting Professor
- 2009/03 - 2010/01 School of History, Shandong University, China Visiting Scholar
- 2007/07 - 2007/08 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Berlin Visiting Scholar
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Awards (5): - 2020/01 - China Publishing Association "Refined Reading" Magazine "Good Book Award" 2019 Chinese Book Year Award “Classic Gate”(4 volumes) Hua Xia Press 2019
- 2020/01 - "China Education Newspaper", an agency paper of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China 2019 Chinese Book Year Award"Top 10 Teacher Reading Books" “Classic Gate”(4 volumes) Hua Xia Press 2019
- 1997/04 - 日本東方学術交流協会 日本東方学術基金会奨学金
- 1994/09 - 北京師範大学 北京師範大学「励耘」基金会優秀青年教師三等賞
- 1990/12 - 北京師範大学 北京師範大学青年教師優秀論文賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 内藤湖南研究会
, The association of the history of Qin-Han period in Japan
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