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J-GLOBAL ID:200901059057900353   Update date: Apr. 19, 2024

Nakatsuji Keiji

ナカツジ ケイジ | Nakatsuji Keiji
Research field  (1): Politics
Research keywords  (1): diplomatic history of the U.S.A., history of international politics, international political science and economics, international relations, history of international relations
Papers (18):
  • 中逵啓示. 「1995-6年台湾海峡危機:日本はどう捉えたのか?」. 『立命館国際研究』. 2019. 31. 4. 1-13
  • 「東アジア金融統合の国際政治」. 『国際政治-アジア新秩序への道程-』日本国際政治学会発行. 2009. 158. 57-74
  • Prime Minister in Command: Koizumi and Abduction Question Revisited. "The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studeies". 2009. 21. 3. 205-220
  • Prime Minister in Command: Koizumi and the Abduction Question of Korea. Review of International Studies, Korea University. 2004. vol. 7, No. 1,
  • Textbook and Safeguard Imbroglios in 2001: Domestic Roots of Japan's China Policy. Korea Review of International Studies, Korea University. 2001. vol. 4, No. 1,
Books (11):
  • 編著『なぜリージョナリズムなのか』
    ナカニシヤ出版 2013 ISBN:9784779507717
  • 中国WTO加盟の政治経済学-米中時代の幕開け-
    早稲田大学出版部 2011
  • 「日本の北朝鮮政策ー小泉首相と拉致問題ー」西口清勝他編『東アジア共同体の構築』
    ミネルヴァ書房 2006
  • 編著『東アジア共同体という幻想』
    ナカニシヤ出版 2006
  • 「アメリカと冷戦後の核兵器不拡散体制」『なぜ核はなくならないのか』
    法律文化社 2000
Lectures and oral presentations  (25):
  • A moderator of session 1
    (Where are we headed, War or Peace?: Ritsumeikan and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Joint International Symposium on North Korea 2017)
  • North Korean Question: Use and Misuse of Lessons of the Past
    (120th Anniversary International Conference: Conflict, Reconciliation and Unification 2017)
  • A commentator
    (Weighing Bad Options: Reflections on Past Diplomacy with North Korea and Alliance Options Today 2017)
  • 安倍政権はトランプ大統領をどう見ているか?
    (立命館-韓国外交員合同ワークショップ 2017)
  • Japanese Perspectives on the Implications of the Trump Presidency: Transformation of U.S. Politics and Challenge to the Regional Order in Asia
    (USJI 101 Seminar co-hosted by The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation 2017)
Works (3):
  • 「空白の戦後日韓関係とアメリカ」李鐘元『東アジア冷戦と韓米日関係』李庭植『戦後日韓関係史』
    1998 -
  • A Commentary to Professor Lee Jong Won*s Paper
    1997 -
  • (書評)李 鐘元『東アジア冷戦と韓米日関係』
    1996 -
Education (2):
  • - 1985 The University of Chicago Department of History American History
  • Doshisha University
Professional career (2):
  • Ph.D (University of Chicago)
  • Others ( )
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Political Science Association ,  The Japanese Association of International Relations ,  The Japan Society For International Development ,  Peace Studies Association of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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