J-GLOBAL ID:200901059246972900
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024 HACHIWAKA Sumiko
ハチワカ スミコ | HACHIWAKA Sumiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Japanese language education
Research keywords (1):
Papers (18): -
Seo Masaki, Hachiwaka Sumiko. A Project Work to Discuss about Interview Data with People in the Community:,A Practice in an Intermediate Japanese Language Class. 2021. 24. 81-96
Hachiwaka Sumiko, Kobayashi Hidehiro. Evaluation of Study Abroad by Former Exchange Students Working as,Translators/Interpreters at Japanese Companies in Thailand. Journal of Global Education. 2021. 4. 119-136
Hachiwaka Sumiko, Susi Widianti. Evaluation of Study in Japan by Former International Students: A Case Study of Indonesian University Faculty. Journal of Global Education. 2021. 4. 137-153
Hachiwaka Sumiko. Life Story Interviews of Former Exchange Students Who Returned to Japan: From Being Recipients of Support to Being Supporters. Journal of Global Education. 2020. 3. 29-43
HACHIWAKA Sumiko. Life story interview of former international students who live in Japan with their families: How the evaluate their study abroad experience. Journal of Global Education. 2019. 2. 29-45
more... MISC (18): -
八若壽美子. タイの日系企業で働く元交換留学生の留学評価,-留学期間による比較-. 2020年度日本語教育学会秋季大会予稿集. 2020. 364-369
Hachiwaka Sumiko. Establishing a Multilayered Peer Support System among Japanese and International Students. Research Bulletin of International Student Center Ibaraki University. 2014. 12. 41-54
Hachiwaka Sumiko. 新刊紹介 石橋玲子著『第2言語による作文産出の認知心理学的研究-学習者主体の言語教育のために-』. 学苑. 2013. 876. 86-87
Hachiwaka Sumiko, Fujiwara Chiemi. An Analysis of Interview with First Year International Students from 2009 to 2012. Research Bulletin of International Student Center Ibaraki University. 2013. 11. 63-79
Hachiwaka Sumiko. Images of Japan and Japanese people: A Case Study ,of Malaysian International Students. Research Bulletin of International Student Center Ibaraki University. 2012. 10. 10. 43-58-57
more... Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
(JALT Study Abroad SIG Online Conference 2020 2020)
Life-story interviews of former exchange students: how they value their study-abroad experience in Japan
(The 2018 International Conference on Japanese Language Education - Venezia 2018)
日本語教師養成プログラム履修者の学びと成長 - -海外実習経験者と国内実習経験者の比較から-
(2016 年日本語教育国際研究大会 2016)
日本語教師養成プログラム履修者の学びと成長 -,-海外実習経験者と国内実習経験者の比較から-
(2016 年日本語教育国際研究大会 2016)
more... Education (3): - 1997 - 2003 Ochanomizu University Graduate School, Division of Humanities 比較文化学
- 1995 - 1997 お茶の水女子大学 人文科学研究科 日本言語文化専攻
- 1997 - Ochanomizu University Graduate School, Division of Humanities 比較文化学
Professional career (1): - Master(Humanities) (Ochanomizu University)
Work history (7): - 2017/04 - 茨城大学 全学教育機構 教授
- 2006/04 - Ibaraki University, International Student Center, Professor
- 2001/09/01 - 2006/03/31 Ibaraki University, International Student Center, Associate Professor
- 2001/09 - 2006/03 Ibaraki University, International Student Center, Associate Professor
- 2000/10 - 2001/08 Retsumeikan Asia Pacific University, lecturer
- 1998/04 - 2000/09 Osaka Gakuin University, lecturer
- 1997/09 - 1998/05 関西外国語大学留学生別科非常勤講師
Show all
Awards (1): - 2003/03 - 茨城大学教育研究開発センター 平成14年度茨城大学教育研究開発センター推奨授業表彰 総合科目社会国際系科目「日本事情I」
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本言語文化学研究会
, The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
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