J-GLOBAL ID:200901060237138954
Update date: Feb. 14, 2025 Soejima Takashi
ソエジマ タカシ | Soejima Takashi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www.kurume-u.ac.jp/ Research field (5):
, Sports science
, Rehabilitation science
, Biomaterials
, Biomedical engineering
Research keywords (10):
, 人工関節
, 軟骨
, 靭帯
, 腱
, Cartilage
, Meniscus
, Ligament
, Tendon
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2013 - 2018 骨髄間葉系幹細胞およびiPS細胞を用いた新しい靭帯再建用移植材料の開発
- 2008 - 2011 Studies on the operative technique and the cytokines required to reproduce a normal bone-ligament junction in the knee ligament reconstruction
- 2004 - 2006 3D Image of the Cartilage Using MTC-Subtraction Method
- 2002 - 2004 膝十字靭帯再建術における骨孔内の骨-移植腱間の固着様式の解明と加速化に関する研究
Papers (23): -
Yuta Ogata, Takashi Soejima, Kenji Hara, Hiromi Takahata, Yu Ando, Akihiro Yamashita, Mutsuo Yamada, Hidetaka Murakami, Akira Maeda. Effects of tackle height and shoulder preference on head and trunk acceleration in rugby. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 2024. 19. 5. 2103-2109
Ogata Y., Tabuchi K., Kinouchi S., Sato K., Hashida R., Matsuse H., Murotani K., Soejima T., Maeda A., Hiraoka K. Knee extension deficit during gait and knee extensor weakness persisting after saucerization and repair of discoid lateral meniscus tears. Knee. 2024. 47. 171-178
Tabuchi K., Soejima T., Murakami H., Noguchi K., Shiba N., Nagata K. Inducement of anatomic regeneration of harvested hamstring tendons in a rabbit model. Bone & Joint Research. 2016. 5. 6. 247-252
Inoue T., Soejima T., Murakami H., Tabuchi K., Noguchi K., Horibe S., Tanaka Y., Shiba N. Anatomic Oblong Double Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Kurume Medical Journal. 2016. 62. 3-4. 53-58
Soejima T., Tabuchi K., Noguchi K., Inoue T., Katouda M., Murakami H., Horibe S. An all-inside repair for full radial posterior lateral meniscus tears. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2016. 5. 1. e133-e138
more... MISC (17): -
田渕幸祐, 副島崇, 金澤知之進, 野口幸志, 永田見生. 解剖学的二重束ACL再建術におけるToggleLocの使用経験. 整形外科と災害外科. 2012. 61. 4
野口幸志, 副島崇, 金澤知之進, 田渕幸祐, 永田見生. 変形性距骨下関節症に対して鏡視下関節固定術を施行した1例. 整形外科と災害外科. 2012. 61. Suppl.2
MURAKAMI Hidetaka. Inducement the regenerated semitendinosus tendon to the pes anserinus after harvesting for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction : 3DCT evaluation. 2010. 35. 1. 92-93
TABUCHI Kousuke. Semitendinosus regrowth to anatomical tibial insertion in rabbit. 2010. 35. 1. 90-91
Noyama M., Soejima T., Kanazawa T., Noguchi K., Tabuchi K., Nagata K. Immunihistological changes of the tibial insertion site of anterior cruciate ligament in the organogenetic period of the rat. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2010. 18. Supplement 1. S159-S160
more... Patents (1): -
Medical appliance for use in collection of transplant-use tendon and in reconstructing work of tendon at location where transplant tendon was collected
Education (2): - - 1994 Kurume University
- - 1990 Kurume University School of Medicine School of Medicine
Professional career (1): Committee career (6): Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本臨床スポーツ医学会
, 日本整形外科スポーツ医学会
, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会
, 日本整形外科学会
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