J-GLOBAL ID:200901060775211033
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022
Yamagata Sekiji
ヤマガタ セキジ | Yamagata Sekiji
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Chief of Research and Educatition Center of Lifelong Learning
Research field (2):
Optical engineering and photonics
, Educational technology
Research keywords (6):
Rehabilitation Engineering
, Educational Engineering
, Opt-electronics
, 福祉工学
, 教育工学
, 電子光学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 1985 - 2006 学校教教育におけるコンピュータの利用
- 1985 - 2006 Computer Application to School Education
- 1980 - 2006 重症心身障害児者のコミュニケーション・ツールの開発
- 1980 - 2006 Development of Talking-Communication-Aid for Very Severe Handicapped People
- 1970 - 2006 レーザー光を用いた水晶振動子の振動モードの解析
- 1970 - 2006 Analysis of oscillating modes of Quants Resonator by means of Laser
- 地域の情報化とインフラ整備
- 重症心身障害者への工学的支援
- 教育の情報化
- 水晶振動子の研究開発
- Using Information Technology in Region of Hokkaido
- Applicaion of High Technology for Handicapped People
- Information Technology of Education
- Research and Development of Quartz Resonator
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MISC (169):
YAMAGATA Sekiji, SATO Yuka, ISHIGAMI Moriyori. A Test Classwork of Physics Lesson by the Mathematica Soft Ware at A High School. Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Educational Research and Training, Hokkaido University of Education. 2003. 4. 4. 1-7
Study of Some Problems of Serious Handicapped People When They Participate in the Community Through the Information Network. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education, Science and Engineering. 2003. 54. 1. 1-11
Study on System of Lifelong Learning for Good Understanding of Natural Science (Report 1). Study of Life long Learning in Hokkaido. 2003. 3. 73-83
Development of Communication Tool, touch-Talking, For Very Serious Handicapped People and Its Application. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education, Science and Engineering. 2003. 47. 1. 9-16
YAMAGATA Sekiji, SATO Yuka, ISHIGAMI Moriyori. A Test Classwork of Physics Lesson by the Mathematica Soft Ware at A High School. Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Educational Research and Training, Hokkaido University of Education. 2003. 4. 4. 1-7
Patents (1):
Books (11):
YMGT出版 2004
YMGT出版 2004
The Quartz Crystal Resonator, Interaction Between Quartz and Laser Beam.
YMGT Publication 2004
Illustrations, Using Personal Computer for School Educations
YMGT Publication 2004
Welfare and Technology Innovations
YMGT Publication 2004
Works (27):
規制緩和はビジネスチャンス(FMりべーる立ち上げ経緯)平成12年度創造的地場企業育成支援研究会報告書Part(]G0003[) pp.98-103. 創造的地場企業育成支援研究会
2001 -
技術革新による新しい福祉の追求(福祉工学を考える)旭川ベンチャー・カレッジ(起業家養成講座)Part(]G0002[), pp.59-67. 創造的地場企業育成支援研究会
2000 -
1999 -
福祉村マルチメディア推進事業-推進計画-(旭川情報ネットワーク研会長として報告書作成 200ps)福祉村マルチメディア推進事業懇話会
1999 -
Multimedia-Network System for Rehabilitation
1999 -
Education (2):
- - 1962 北海道学芸大学(教育大学) 学芸学部 物理専攻
- - 1962 - Faculty of Arts and Science Physics
Professional career (1):
- Doctor (Engineering) (Hokkaido University)
Work history (15):
- 1983 - 1984 ロンドン大学電気電子工学科 在外研究員
- 1983 - 1984 Research Worker Abroad, University College,
- 1973 - 1980 Hokkaido University of Education Faculty of Education
- 1973 - 1980 Assistant professor, Asahikawa Campus,
- 1980 - - 北海道教育大学教育学部旭川分校 教授
- 1980 - - Professor, Asahikawa Campus, Hokkaido University
- 1964 - 1973 北海道学芸大学教育学部旭川分校 助手
- 1964 - 1973 Assistant, Hokkaido Gakugei University at
- 1968 - 1971 北海道大学工学部国内留学・日本学術振興会 流動研究員
- 1968 - 1971 Researcher, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido
- London
- University
- of Education
- Hokkaido University of Education
- Asahikawa
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Committee career (2):
- 1999 - 応用物理学会 道支部幹事
- 1992 - 北海道教育ソフト開発協会 会長
Awards (3):
- 2004 - 旭川市文化奨励賞
- 1996 - 第17回北海道新聞学術文化研究奨励金
- 1995 - 情報通信発展貢献(北海道電気通信監理局長賞)
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 北海道教育ソフト開発協会
, 物理教育学会
, 電子情報通信学会
, 応用物理学会
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