J-GLOBAL ID:200901060775211033
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022 Yamagata Sekiji
ヤマガタ セキジ | Yamagata Sekiji
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Chief of Research and Educatition Center of Lifelong Learning
Research field (2):
Optical engineering and photonics
, Educational technology
Research keywords (6):
Rehabilitation Engineering
, Educational Engineering
, Opt-electronics
, 福祉工学
, 教育工学
, 電子光学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14): - 1985 - 2006 学校教教育におけるコンピュータの利用
- 1985 - 2006 Computer Application to School Education
- 1980 - 2006 重症心身障害児者のコミュニケーション・ツールの開発
- 1980 - 2006 Development of Talking-Communication-Aid for Very Severe Handicapped People
- 1970 - 2006 レーザー光を用いた水晶振動子の振動モードの解析
- 1970 - 2006 Analysis of oscillating modes of Quants Resonator by means of Laser
- 地域の情報化とインフラ整備
- 重症心身障害者への工学的支援
- 教育の情報化
- 水晶振動子の研究開発
- Using Information Technology in Region of Hokkaido
- Applicaion of High Technology for Handicapped People
- Information Technology of Education
- Research and Development of Quartz Resonator
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MISC (169): -
YAMAGATA Sekiji, SATO Yuka, ISHIGAMI Moriyori. A Test Classwork of Physics Lesson by the Mathematica Soft Ware at A High School. Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Educational Research and Training, Hokkaido University of Education. 2003. 4. 4. 1-7
- Study of Some Problems of Serious Handicapped People When They Participate in the Community Through the Information Network. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education, Science and Engineering. 2003. 54. 1. 1-11
Study on System of Lifelong Learning for Good Understanding of Natural Science (Report 1). Study of Life long Learning in Hokkaido. 2003. 3. 73-83
- Development of Communication Tool, touch-Talking, For Very Serious Handicapped People and Its Application. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education, Science and Engineering. 2003. 47. 1. 9-16
YAMAGATA Sekiji, SATO Yuka, ISHIGAMI Moriyori. A Test Classwork of Physics Lesson by the Mathematica Soft Ware at A High School. Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Educational Research and Training, Hokkaido University of Education. 2003. 4. 4. 1-7
more... Patents (1): Books (11): - 学校教育におけるパーソナルコンピュータ活用事例
YMGT出版 2004
- 福祉と技術革新
YMGT出版 2004
- The Quartz Crystal Resonator, Interaction Between Quartz and Laser Beam.
YMGT Publication 2004
- Illustrations, Using Personal Computer for School Educations
YMGT Publication 2004
- Welfare and Technology Innovations
YMGT Publication 2004
more... Works (27): -
規制緩和はビジネスチャンス(FMりべーる立ち上げ経緯)平成12年度創造的地場企業育成支援研究会報告書Part(]G0003[) pp.98-103. 創造的地場企業育成支援研究会
2001 -
技術革新による新しい福祉の追求(福祉工学を考える)旭川ベンチャー・カレッジ(起業家養成講座)Part(]G0002[), pp.59-67. 創造的地場企業育成支援研究会
2000 -
1999 -
福祉村マルチメディア推進事業-推進計画-(旭川情報ネットワーク研会長として報告書作成 200ps)福祉村マルチメディア推進事業懇話会
1999 -
Multimedia-Network System for Rehabilitation
1999 -
more... Education (2): - - 1962 北海道学芸大学(教育大学) 学芸学部 物理専攻
- - 1962 - Faculty of Arts and Science Physics
Professional career (1): - Doctor (Engineering) (Hokkaido University)
Work history (15): - 1983 - 1984 ロンドン大学電気電子工学科 在外研究員
- 1983 - 1984 Research Worker Abroad, University College,
- 1973 - 1980 Hokkaido University of Education Faculty of Education
- 1973 - 1980 Assistant professor, Asahikawa Campus,
- 1980 - - 北海道教育大学教育学部旭川分校 教授
- 1980 - - Professor, Asahikawa Campus, Hokkaido University
- 1964 - 1973 北海道学芸大学教育学部旭川分校 助手
- 1964 - 1973 Assistant, Hokkaido Gakugei University at
- 1968 - 1971 北海道大学工学部国内留学・日本学術振興会 流動研究員
- 1968 - 1971 Researcher, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido
- London
- University
- of Education
- Hokkaido University of Education
- Asahikawa
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Committee career (2): - 1999 - 応用物理学会 道支部幹事
- 1992 - 北海道教育ソフト開発協会 会長
Awards (3): - 2004 - 旭川市文化奨励賞
- 1996 - 第17回北海道新聞学術文化研究奨励金
- 1995 - 情報通信発展貢献(北海道電気通信監理局長賞)
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 北海道教育ソフト開発協会
, 物理教育学会
, 電子情報通信学会
, 応用物理学会
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