Kyoto University Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanoshere Division of Creative Research and Development of Humanosphere
About Kyoto University Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanoshere Division of Creative Research and Development of Humanosphere
Modeling in Crystal Structure Analysis of Polysaccharides
Computer Moldeling of Carbohyclrates, ACS Symposium Series,/430, 345-360 1990
A combined electron and X-ray diffraction study of cellulose tripropionate
Cellulose and Wood: Chemistry and Technology, Edited by Conrad Schuerch, Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1989
X-ray and electron diffraction study of some cellulose derivatives
Cellulose: Structure and Functional Aspects, Kennedy, Phillips and Williams ed., Ellis Horwood, limited,1, 283-288 1989
Conformational difference between chitosan and poly-(1,4)-a-D-galactosamine
Chitin Chitosan: Sources, Chem., Biochem., Phys. Prop. Appl.,501 - 510 1989
Orientation and Texture of Cellulose Crystallites in Pinus densiflora Wood
Doctor of Agriculture Thesis 1984
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Agriculture
Association Membership(s) (14):
, セルロース学会
, 日本コンピューター化学会
, 日本糖質学会
, 日本結晶学会
, 繊維学会
, 高分子学会
, The Society of Cyclodextrins, Japan
, The Cellulose Society of Japan
, Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
, The Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research
, The Crystallographic Society of Japan
, The Society of Fiber Science and Thechnology, Japan
, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan