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J-GLOBAL ID:200901061473330382   Update date: Sep. 05, 2022

Tanaka Fumio

タナカ フミオ | Tanaka Fumio
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor,Associate Professor
Research field  (3): Landscape science ,  Environmental agriculture ,  Polymer chemistry
Research keywords  (6): 結晶構造解析 ,  多糖 ,  分子設計 ,  Crystal structure analysis ,  Polysaccharides ,  Molecular Design
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 多糖の分子シミュレーション
  • 多糖誘導体の結晶構造解析
  • 機能性多糖の分子設計
  • Molecular simulation of polysaccharides
  • Crystal structure analysis of polysaccharide derivatives
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Papers (47):
MISC (29):
  • TANAKA Fumio. Influence of Thermo-Control Algorithms on the Virtual Thermostat in the MD-Simulation. 2015vCellulose R & D. 2015. 24-25
  • TANAKA Fumio. Calculated X-Ray Diffraction Patterns from Natural Cellulose Crystals. Cellulose R & D. 2014. 150-151
  • TANAKA Fumio. Optimization of Cellulose Crystal through Non-Empirical Molecular Simulation. Cellulose R & D. 2013. 152-153
  • 田中文男. セルロース表面上でのヘミセルロースの相互作用. 2012 Cellulose R & D, 110-111. 2012
  • F. Tanaka. Structural Optimization of Natural Cellulose Crystal. 2011 Cellulose R & D, 29-30. 2011
Books (5):
  • Modeling in Crystal Structure Analysis of Polysaccharides
    Computer Moldeling of Carbohyclrates, ACS Symposium Series,/430, 345-360 1990
  • A combined electron and X-ray diffraction study of cellulose tripropionate
    Cellulose and Wood: Chemistry and Technology, Edited by Conrad Schuerch, Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1989
  • X-ray and electron diffraction study of some cellulose derivatives
    Cellulose: Structure and Functional Aspects, Kennedy, Phillips and Williams ed., Ellis Horwood, limited,1, 283-288 1989
  • Conformational difference between chitosan and poly-(1,4)-a-D-galactosamine
    Chitin Chitosan: Sources, Chem., Biochem., Phys. Prop. Appl.,501 - 510 1989
  • Orientation and Texture of Cellulose Crystallites in Pinus densiflora Wood
    Doctor of Agriculture Thesis 1984
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Agriculture
Association Membership(s) (14):
シクロデキストリン学会 ,  セルロース学会 ,  日本コンピューター化学会 ,  日本糖質学会 ,  日本結晶学会 ,  繊維学会 ,  高分子学会 ,  The Society of Cyclodextrins, Japan ,  The Cellulose Society of Japan ,  Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan ,  The Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research ,  The Crystallographic Society of Japan ,  The Society of Fiber Science and Thechnology, Japan ,  The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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