J-GLOBAL ID:200901061586413950
Update date: Nov. 28, 2024
Fukuzawa Karibu
フクザワ カリブ | Fukuzawa Karibu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (4):
Landscape science
, Environmental agriculture
, Forest science
, Environmental dynamics
Research keywords (7):
, forest ecology
, nitrogen cycling
, carbon cycling
, fine root dynamics
, forest management practice
, Sasa drarf bamboo
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2022 - 2026 窒素沈着量の減少によって森林の生態系機能は回復するか
- 2022 - 2026 窒素沈着量の減少によって森林の生態系機能は回復するか
- 2022 - 2025 Elucidation of the mechanism of soil nitrogen dynamics in consideration of diversity of mycorrhizal type of tree-understory vegetation in forests
- 2022 - 2025 Clarification of mechanisms of soil nitrogen dyanamics considering mycorrizal type of trees-understory vegetation system
- 2020 - 2025 半乾燥生態系での植物ー根圏微生物相互作用系を活用した緑化技術の開発
- 2020 - 2024 多種樹木の窒素獲得戦略の解明とそれに基づく窒素循環プロセスモデルの構築
- 2018 - 2022 Physiology of fine roots of woody plants: how and how much they die
- 2018 - 2021 The effects of promoting utilization of logging residue biomass on the nutrients cycling in forest ecosystems.
- 2017 - 2021 Local factors affecting the response of forested watersheds to elevated atmospheric N deposition
- 2016 - 2020 Development of estimation method for evaluating N transfer from ectomycorrhizal fungi to host trees based on the fractionation of N stable isotope
- 2017 - 2020 Effects of mitigation of competition in rhizosphere between tree and understory vegetation on nitrogen dynamics and tree growth through mycorrhiza
- 2014 - 2017 The effect of clear-cutting using forestry machinery on dynamics of soil nitrogen and microbial community
- 2013 - 2016 Srudy on hot monent inducing the abrupt change of ecosystem nitrogen cycle under climate change
- 2012 - 2016 Influences of forested Peridotite Basin on material flow and land-seashore vegetation
- 2011 - 2012 Evaluation of carbon storage process into marine sediment based on new optical technology: non-destructive measurement of belowground production and degradation of seagrass
- 2010 - 2012 The impact of snowpack change by climate change on biogeochemical cycles in forest soil
- 2008 - 2011 Effects of fine root production and nutrient uptake by vegetation on nitrogen dynamics in forest ecosystems
- 2003 - 2005 Effects of fine root dynamics on carbon and nitrogen cycling in a cool-temperate forest in northern Hokkaido
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Papers (49):
Arai Takahisa, Fukuzawa Karibu, Kurokawa Hiroko, Hikosaka Kouki, Nakashizuka Tohru, Shibata Hideaki. Effect of soil temperature change on soil nitrogen mineralization rate in the Hakkoda mountain range. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 2024. 74. 1. 1-9
Ru Yang, Karibu Fukuzawa, Masataka Nakayama, Ryunosuke Tateno, Takuo Hishi, Hideaki Shibata, Masaaki Chiwa. Nitrate leaching and its susceptibility in response to elevated nitrogen deposition in Japanese forests. Journal of Forest Research. 2023. 29. 2. 81-88
Yu Nagata, Nobuo Ishiyama, Futoshi Nakamura, Hideaki Shibata, Karibu Fukuzawa, Junko Morimoto. Contribution of Hydrological Connectivity in Maintaining Aquatic Plant Communities in Remnant Floodplain Ponds in Agricultural Landscapes. Wetlands. 2023. 43. 4. 38
Sanae Yanagawa, Karibu Fukuzawa, Kentaro Takagi, Hideaki Shibata, Fuyuki Satoh. Presence of understory dwarf bamboo determines ecosystem fine root production in a cool-temperate forest in northern Japan. JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 2023. 28. 3. 177-185
Masahiro Nakamura, Chisato Terada, Kinya Ito, Kazuaki Matsui, Shigeru Niwa, Masae Ishihara, Tanaka Kenta, Tetsuro Yoshikawa, Taku Kadoya, Tsutom Hiura, et al. Evaluating the soil microbe community-level physiological profile using EcoPlate and soil properties at 33 forest sites across Japan. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2022. 37. 3. 432-445
MISC (96):
福澤加里部, 智和正明, 舘野隆之輔, 松山周平, 菱拓雄, 杉山賢子, 谷口武士, 野村睦. ササ除去が森林土壌の窒素動態に及ぼす影響:複数サイトにおける観測から. 日本森林学会大会学術講演集. 2024. 135th
牧田,直樹, 福澤,加里部, 檀浦,正子, Daniel,Epron, 平野侑, 水上,知佳, 蜂須賀,莉子, 増本,泰河, 黒見,信輔, 寺井,水萌, et al. 森の根のトレーニングコース開催報告:”根”について考えた3日間. 根の研究. 2023. 32. 4. 84-89
大橋瑞江, 中路達郎, 牧田直樹, 野口享太郎, 福澤加里部, 檀浦正子, 平野恭弘. Relathionship between decision of root mortality and the traits of dead roots. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2023. 70th
花谷周亮, 遠藤いず貴, 福澤加里部, 中路達郎, 片山歩美, 牧田直樹, 大橋瑞江. 熱帯雨林における葉のリター分解に伴う栄養素組成の変化. 日本森林学会大会学術講演集. 2023. 134th
福澤加里部, 智和正明, 菱拓雄, 松山周平, 野村睦. 林床植生除去に対する森林土壌の窒素動態の中長期的な応答. 日本森林学会大会学術講演集. 2023. 134th
Books (6):
図解でよくわかる根のきほん : 根の種類、構造、機能から、品目ごとの特徴、樹種による違い、環境へのかかわりまで
誠文堂新光社 2024 ISBN:9784416623091
図解でよくわかる根のきほん : 根の種類、構造、機能から、品目ごとの特徴、樹種による違い、環境へのかかわりまで
誠文堂新光社 2024 ISBN:9784416623091
文研出版 2023 ISBN:9784580825994
森の根の生態学 = Root ecology of forest trees
共立出版 2020 ISBN:9784320058132
Measuring roots : an updated approach
Springer 2011 ISBN:3642220665
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
(第135回日本森林学会大会 2024)
関東北部のアカマツ林における大気沈着窒素の長期的な挙動: 窒素安定 同位体(15N)トレーサー添加10年後の15N回収率
(日本地球惑星連合2023年大会 2023)
Effect of long-term nitrogen fertilization on stream water nitrate concentration in a forested watershed in northern Japan
(10th International Conference on Acid Deposition 2023)
Education (3):
- - 2007 Hokkaido University
- - 2003 北海道大学大学院 農学研究科 環境資源学専攻
- - 2001 Tottori University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Committee career (10):
- 2022/10 - 現在 Japanese Society of Biogeochemistry Manager
- 2022/01 - 現在 Japanese Society for Root Research Root Research, Editor-in-Chief
- 2022/01 - 現在 Japanese Society for Root Research Plant Root, Subject editor
- 2020/01 - 現在 Japanese Society for Root Research Councilor
- 2018/04 - 2022/03 森林立地学会 北海道地区 地域幹事
- 2018/01 - 2021/12 Japanese Society for Root Research Root Research, Associate editor
- 2016/04 - 2021/03 The Japanese Forest Society Journal of Forest Research, member of editorial board
- 2013/01 - 2017/12 Japanese Society for Root Research Root Research, member of editorial board
- 2014/01 - 2015/12 Japanese Society for Root Research Vice-secretary general
- 2008/01 - 2012/12 Japanese Society for Root Research Root Research, member of editorial board
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本生態学会
, 生物地球化学研究会
, 日本森林学会
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