J-GLOBAL ID:200901061773251360
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022 Kikuchi Keita
キクチ ケイタ | Kikuchi Keita
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Foreign language education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): MISC (28): -
Keita Kikuchi, George Harrison. Using Internet and PowerPoint in the Japanese university EFL classroom context. Conference proceedings of 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education. 2006. 3370-3383
Keita Kikuchi. English language entrance examinations at Japanese universities in 1994 and 2004: Is there a decade of difference?. Conference proceedings of 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education. 2006. 3366-3369
Using Tasks in Instructed Language Learning: Exploring Task-Based Language Teaching. Studies in international relations. 2006. 26. 4. 299-319
Keita Kikuchi. Three kinds of Listening Tasks in Video Listening Programs. The Language Teacher. 2006. 29. 2. 21-24
Keita Kikuchi. Revisiting English entrance examinations at Japanese universities after a decade. JALT Journal. 2006. 28. 1. 77-96
more... Education (1): - - 2002 University of Hawai'i at Manoa Department of Second Language Studies Master of Arts in English as a second language
Professional career (1): - Master of Arts in English as a second language (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
Work history (1): - Waseda University Faculty of International Liberal Studies Visiting Lecturer (full-time)
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